Uhhh, I have to agree with DarthPuff. No offence StevieVee, but if he gets more experience from website design, thats a good thing, & if he gets enough experience that he can sell the products, all he has to do, is never tell people that he ever gave them away for free. Most people who are looking for webpages, are small companies, rather than individuals, even though individuals, will ask for them, they will get them done, but they will have to pay going rates.
If he gets to be really good at it, then some larger corperations will go to him to get theirs done.
I had a friend, who did a few webpages & got payed for them, he is on this board, but I will not give out his name, unless he steps forward. He got payed $500 per page, from what I can recall, & he did 5 pages. He offered to do a webpage for me, so I took him on it, & he may even help with a few of my games.
He is really popular on the A5 board, but he isnt there anymore.
I do wish to wish Battleaxe, good hunting in his webpage design career, but if you cant make it, just stick with game production.
Might I make one last suggestion, get your site listed with google, it should be free, my site is, but it is rather sensitive for what you put for your search keywords, so just put website design or something, or make your descriptiong describbing different things, like all your company will provide, & it may work.
And a tip is, dont name the business after your name, that turns off buyers, & is not proffesional. I dont try to make my websites too proffesional, but more to the liking of what everyone seems to like, so I am just making my theme for my page dark, with black, & 3 or 4 shades of blue. Of course, some businesses like theirs to be solid proffessional, so do what they ask.
Im going to shut up now, & go start working on my code, all by myself, with a few friends on MSN IM.