the texture should look like somones taken your object and unfolded kind of like a net. all you have to do is look for the right texture its normall a Bitmap and will look like your modell unfolded if the object has been textured some objects don't have textures that can be opend in DB and you might have draw your own in paint
easist way to demenstarte texture is to take something simple so lets creat a cube
Make object cube 1,100
there is our cube. i have a plain bitmap (.BMP) created in paint which is just simple red and black stripes now i want to add it too the model first i put the bmp in my progect folder for this demonstration i will call it "stripes" so first we load the bitmap.
Load image "stripes.bmp",2
notice the number i add at the end much like loading a model. i have called it 2 to ilastrate where each number goes in the syntax of the texture command you could call it 1 so it was texture one of object 1 .now we have to add our texture to our cube
Texture object 1,2
this simple textures object 1 with texture 2. so there we have a textured object very simple. it dosen't have to be a bitmap it can be any picture format ie .Jif