A couple of years ago, we had a deranged forum-dweller who got rather annoyed when somebody sent him a personal email, disagreeing with his point-of-view. Not knowing who it was, he went on a public manhunt via the forums. What started as a slightly annoyed young man turned into complete mayhem. At one stage he threatened to call his father, who was currently leading a Palestinian Liberation movement in the Middle-East, with the possibility of getting him to track down and ultimately wreak havoc with the offender's more delicate organs.
I submitted this forum thread to the Lycos Viral website. Within hours it hit the number one spot, with hundreds of hits. The forum got many new, but short-lived members joining simply to post acknowledgement of their amazement. I got the honour of being the one who spotted the potential.
Now I want to try the same experiment, and I need your help to do it.
I've picked the choir of a local school who are entering the Joseph competition. Coincidentally, it just happens to include my own son. There is only one week in which to vote, so I'll be posting subtle requests here and there, and emailing a few contacts to see if I can sway the votes in their favour. It only gets them to the next round, where they will be judged for their talents rather than their tactics, so it makes for an interesting but harmless experiment.
So if you want to join in, and make a 10-year old enthuastic boy and his mum happy, place your vote now!
By the way...don't forget to tell somebody else who has no idea what you're talking about to vote too - that's what makes a good viral campaign!