I also like T3DGM. FPSC is in my opinion no substitute. As FPSC is only usable for FPS-Games (guess that's were the name comes from
). In T3DGM i like the feature of doing racing/flying games. You can't use FPSC for that at all. And it's quite hard to do such games in DB also. Of course it's not hard to make a small lavel with 1 character running around, but that's not what makes up a game! Creating complex scenery and AI is quite some hard bit of coding. So DarkBASIC seems to be an evolution step upwards, but also it is NOT at substitute for T3DGM.
I guess there IS a marked for tools like T3DGM. An people who like this tool usualy don't catch on phrases like "Move to DB" or "Move to FPS" because if they wanted something like DB, they did so before. They want something like T3DGM.
How about after completing FPSC-X using the knowledge and Engine to do a T3DGM-II? I would love it! There are so many things that went quite bad in T3DGM (i don't like die Collision-Routinges in Racing-Games
) that could be done so much better in a sequel!