This is a challenge to everybody of any level of programming abilty. the challenge is simple creat a game, interface, graphics affect or any other program in eithe DB or Dbpro in 15 lines (excluding declerations).
The Rules
1) create your program in 15 lines of code excluding declerations ie (loading object, declaring variable or arrays, seting up the screen , Do and loop comands or other perlimanary setups)
2) a line is defined as one line of code and carriage return. one peice of code per line
3) remarks, setup, decrelation and spaces don't count as lines
4) please add remarks and neaten code for easy reading
5) examiners word is final
6) marks ar awarded on you code as well as your output and the practacalty of the program completing its objective ie a calculator adding up
7) programs can be to do anything from play cds and games to calculators and spreadsheets as the idea is to evaluate the capabiltys of a programmer not how much of the code he or she knows
8) winners will be stated monthly
9) please send you remarks +code + exe + any models you have used in the program or anything you wish us to know about the program
10)please add any quereis you have to this board remeber this is a challenge for every one