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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Hello, I'm new, and I have a question about 3ds and .x

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Joined: 20th Oct 2002
Posted: 21st Oct 2002 06:14
hello there, as i said before i am new.

because the problem i'm having i haven't read anywhere else and i just can't find anyone else having the same problem as i, i'm a little reluctant to post, seeing as how it could be something really retarded that i am doing wrong and i'll want to kick myself

which i hope is the case

so yea here we go: i made a model in 3d studio max, exported it as a .3ds, converted it to an .x, put it in DarkBasic, it shows.

i take the same model and then animate it to walk, export it, convert it... now as an .x it doesn't show up right at all, one of the legs animates and the other just sits there, when trying to convert other models i made [i guess it's because copying limbs with "reference" in 3d studio doesn't work well with 3ds [?]] half of the body was missing, i had to fiddle with it for like 3 hours and then download other converters to finally get it to work... but something tells me i'm doing something wrong...

i'm sorry if i'm being stupid and the answer is simple, and i'm sorry if this was answered somewhere else on this forum, i looked and looked for anything fitting my problem

please tell me all i did was hit a wrong button

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Joined: 4th Sep 2002
Location: Australia
Posted: 21st Oct 2002 14:28
You hit a wrong button

Be very afraid were all being watched!!
Sly D
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Joined: 15th Oct 2002
Posted: 21st Oct 2002 21:58
Why dont you load .3ds inot DB instead of converting it to .x?

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Joined: 20th Oct 2002
Posted: 22nd Oct 2002 10:26
i guess i forgot to say that i also tried to use 3ds and it did the same thing

i used 3d Studio Max and i guess it didn't like exporting when i had used mirror:reference/instance it just didn't export those limbs

so then i did a verrrry simple model, a sphere head, box body and box legs, exported and imported into db, worked fine... then i animated it, only one leg animates...

so i try loading the same object as a 3ds and appending the animation as a 3ds and it doesn't like that...

so here's what i'm gonna do, learn 2d to the best of my ability and then move into 3d

but still, if anyone has any thoughts please tell me


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Joined: 31st Oct 2002
Posted: 31st Oct 2002 19:46
3D Studio Max is notorious for problems converting to .3DS. What version are you using? Version 4 has a plugin available (which I use) called Panda .X exporter (or something like that. just search on Google). It can save 3D Studio MAX R4 models with animation into .X directly. It also works with Character Studio.

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