I've always been making comics, and there have been hundreds of failed ones; my longest being a science teacher/superhero.
But I've finally gotten the web space and the know-how to make my own web comic.
It's called Life after Death, and no, it's not about a suicidal teenager who discovers the beauty of life. The story is based off a concept I thought of a few months ago. Usually, for bad/federal crimes, the person in question is sentenced to life. In this case, the main character is actually "sentenced to" life (life as in the living world).
I am not the best at drawing, but I'm hoping this will become semi-popular. At the moment, however, it's being hosted off of the same domain as my group BioFox Games, so ignore the url. Also, I;m am still working on the navigation, or rather, my friend is.
So here it is, Life after Death:
Please comment on anything and everything. But refrain from saying my art sucks.