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FADE Studios
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Posted: 30th May 2007 05:08
The setting is September 12th of 2009, In the southern Atlantic is an isolated island with a base used to imprison people. It's mostly a large three part tower, but has a few other minor buildings around the island. The purpose is to experiment their production on kidnapped people, their highest purpose? To create the perfect solider, in Body and Mind. The island is owned by the Enonic Corporation a highly respected Medical Coorparation world wide, Now on with the story. You can choose between two people, Kenneth Williams or Joseph Kindle. September 12th of 2009, Someone breaches the islands security and is able to shut off the main power, this gives Joseph and Kenneth a chance to escape their cells, as well as other prisoners. The backup power is activated right after, now as your player you must reach the top of the tower to escape, Via Helipad. You must fight off countless gaurds, and Bio enhanced super humans, By using countless weapons.

Any story questions or comments are welcome, as well as criticism.

Manager Of The Soon To Become Known Fade Studios


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FADE Studios
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Posted: 30th May 2007 05:08 Edited at: 30th May 2007 05:17
Another screeny

Manager Of The Soon To Become Known Fade Studios


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FADE Studios
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Posted: 30th May 2007 05:13 Edited at: 30th May 2007 05:21
Another pic

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Silent Thunder
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Posted: 30th May 2007 07:15
needs lightmapping.

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Posted: 30th May 2007 13:45
There is lightmapping, look at the chair. But make it a bit darker.

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FADE Studios
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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 08:02
Just beat the first boss and gained the ol' MP5K. Here's a screeny of it.

Manager Of The Soon To Become Known Fade Studios


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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 13:14
Turn the ambience down, it's way too high.
Looks pretty empty aswell.

Butt monkey
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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 14:34
yeh, looks a bit boring tbh :/

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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 18:15
lol countless weapons, one, two, three, ummmmmm

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FADE Studios
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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 20:06
Any suggestions? I'm not exactly sure how to jazz this up.

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Roger Wilco
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2007 16:33
Less open spaces, either fill them up somehow or make the rooms smaller, some lightmapping wouldn't hurt either. Try that first of all and show us how it turns out, oh and remember, clever entitiy placement makes the game more realistic and interesting. Never place a power-generator in the middle of a cafeteria unless you know what you're doing.

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Butt monkey
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2007 20:43
As Roger said, I think lightmaps are the way to go here. But don't just use one light and place it in the centre of the room. Highlight areas and use different variations of colour to make your rooms stand out. I'll post an example if you want it.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 05:50
looks average as of now.

2 of the screens aren't in Jpeg format.

but the first screen looks reasonable.

OVERALL: passable.

sure, I'll try it.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 07:07
Looks like a million other "My First Games"

I can give you some tips here, but if you need live help, feel free to IM or email me.


1. Lightmapping, lightmapping, lightmapping- Put light markers near objects that would generate light. Put static objects near it to cast a shadow, really makes it look better.

2. NO (Thats not a yes) empty spaces- No large spaces with nothign in them. Would there really be a building with large rooms that contain nothing?

3. On that last screeny of yours, that ceiling doesn't match the walls well.

4. what is your system specs, becuase your getting some lag in those later shots. How many enemies did you put in this level? that might be the cause of it.

I like to help people, so if you get ahold of me, I'll answer any questions and give you more tips.

"I admire its purity, a survivor, unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality"

FADE Studios
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 07:22

2. I don't really know alot of things to decorate a prison, Some Ideas would be appreciated and Credited.

3. Thats because the floor of the next floor is diffrent.

4. There are five enemies in all so far.

1 on the first floor
3 on the second
1 on the third

I need a new computer, because my specs suck so bad

Manager Of The Soon To Become Known Fade Studios
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 09:45
where some of the pics bmp? plz post in png. or jpeg.

to the ones thats trapped inside of you, this is it!!
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 13:48
FADE- I think you need
Light mapping
More ammo for guns
Not big areas

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 18:17 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2007 18:18
While I've never been in a jail for something i did, I took a tour of Alcatraz in San Francisco.

A lot of it was corridors with multiple cells on top if each other. Search the Models and Media thread for jail, I think it was Higgins who posted free jail bar entities.

heres a picture of a cell.

If you have the game Dead to Rights, you get sent to a prison in that game. Thats kind of what Alcatraz looked like. If you don't have the game, you can buy it for about $5 off Ebay. Not only would it help you with your game, but it was a lot of fun to play.

Other parts of prisons would be a large room with many tables, serving as the Mess Hall. Theres also Storage Rooms, with boxes. Offices, with desks, paperwork ect. Then theres also weapon storerooms. Most prisons have a "Rec Room" which is a room with weights and other gym equipment, unless I'm mistaken someone recently made a free pack of gym equipment. You also should take infirmaries into account.

My advice, buy "Dead to Rights" and "The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay". They both show the insides of prisons, and let you run around in them. While the Riddick game is not a modern prison, it might give you some good ideas.

"I admire its purity, a survivor, unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality"

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