Thanks for the feedback everyone. I was thinking about scrapping the top navigation because in my opinion the navigation on the side looks better.
Quote: "Looks fine to me - my only slight 'confusion' was with the way menu items on the right are nested. For example - News under Enigma could be News FOR enigma, or just poor CSS layout and sitewide news. Same for News [beta/gallery/ugernt]. Maybe tweak the CSS to make it clear they are subsections?"
I agree, I thought it looked like that but some of the other members of my team said nobody would notice. lol
Quote: "Something I noticed is that the navigation is not exactly highlighted in any way, and as it's not in the standard position(s) its not easy to spot. Might sound stupid but it's a basic web design error."
What do you mean by highlighted?
Quote: "Where do you bring the bacon?"
We put it in a big bowl next to our computers!