Its also factory overclocked,so its faster than the other 320's
Plus a physx card to make me happy with cell factor
I'm quite surprised myself that I got this. I got it up to $1,065.64 because I added a keyboard and speaker system(2 speakers + a subwoofer). Overall,this is going to make me happy.
Edit - Got it even lower. It costs $1,042.42 now. I just lowered the keyboard to a less feature-full keyboard
. The one I'm getting is just fine. This computer is going to be a huge step up for me from my current. Lemme give you the specs in comparison:
CPU - Current PC : Intel pentium 4 1.3GHz; New PC : Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
GPU - Current PC : Onboard NVidia Rive TNT2 Model 64 PCI; New PC : NVidia GeForce 8800GTS 320mb PCI-E
I don't even know the rest of my current pcs specs. All I know is that in dbpro,it gets about 25 FPS rendering a cube with no lighting and no coloring and no texturing,with only a blue backdrop. Yeah,now you see why an upgrade is necessary
Oh yes,not to mention that I always feel a wave of heat coming from my computer and monitor,even when the computer is idle. The fans do NOTHING. Its terrible.