If you have a Nvidia GPU, it comes with an outclocker on their new control panel, you just have to make a small registery edit to get it to show up. I Don't remember how to do it though. I'll post it up though.
Open up Reg Edit (Winkey+r, type in regedit)
Goto This directory on the folder view:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> NVIDIA Corporation ->Global -> NVTweak
You shold click on NVTweak so you can see the items in it.
I beleive you now create a new dword entry. Name this entry coolbits and give it a balue of 3.
Restart your pc, and you can open up the Nvidia control panel, click on 3d Settings, and it'll be there. It should at least.
I hope these directions are correct.