i'm not out of my mind, get the white papers on the processor ... has all of the technical specifications on it.
and a 300Mhz processor can run quite happily with just a small heatsink not even that if they're layed out right, its the ones with multiple layers on extremely small die.
0.14 300Mhz Processor with FPU & MCP will run at around 92°f
0.30 300Mhz Processor with FPU & MCP will run at around 50°f
the 0.30 one is much larger in base size, but you take out the FPU and MCP ... you loose another 30°f as they're the ones which do a bulk of the calculations, and most chips will run very happily at 20°f and at that point you don't have the multiple layers of transistors for the FPU & MCP which means that you can also make it alot flatter (Motherboard Chips are a very good example of this)
add to this it is a RISC not a MISC chip which means ONE instruction per cycle 32bit being a 4cycle base loop.
so if you put in a float, you have to process EACH float individually and without the FPU you're taking up 3 instructions for just a simple maths operation of
return = 10.0 + 50.0
and without the MCP you have to also declare and create a rule for the + operator, which means in the end for a simple
float = 10.0 + 50.0 you've taken an entire base loop.
if that chip ran at only 16Mhz like you people seem to want to believe this would mean that you'd only get 6 base loops per cycle.
if you have a double complex routine like ->
float1 = 10.0 + 50.0
float2 = 5.0 * 10.0
float3 = float1 / float2
you've gone and used up half of your processing for a single scene right there!!
and at 300Mhz this means that you'd have roughly 113 instruction lines you can perform for floats per second, and c'mon even in DBpro that ain't much.
i don't think you guys realise just how important the FPU and MCP are to modern 3D and computer calculations.
Within the Epic battle of the fates the Shadow and the Angel will meet. With it will harbinger the very fight of good vs evil!