Set this script as the main script of a trigger zone:
;Artificial Intelligence Script
desc = show hud for 5 seconds
;End of Script
OK this is an example.
Time for a
very small tutorial in hud displaying
hudreset resets the actual hud
hudx and
hudy define the coordinates of your hud
hudimagefine=x defines the location of your hud to show it in high resoution
hudname=X gives your hud a name
hudshow=X shows your hud in the screen
timergreater=5000 is true when the timer has reached more than 5000 milliseconds (=5 seconds)
hudfadeout=X fades your hud out of the screen
X must be replaced always by the same name you gave to it.
This script shows your hud for 5 seconds then lets it fade out.
For an example of the hud size, I attached little prefab.
Hope that helped
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