Im quite picky when it comes to games, and so even my favroite games have many feature (or lack features) that don't make it quite great. For example one of my favorites is Theif- Dadly Shadows, but it is not a free roam game (except the limited city, that doesn't have much to do in it), and lacks some stealth features like being able to do one shot kills after being discovered. These are just to things and the list could go on, even though this is one of my favorite games. Anyways, to the point. My favorites types of games are action rpgs (not regualar crap rpg where u select your target and watch your guy fight, i mean where it and rpg with action game elements). My ideal game would have the following (in order from most to least important)
1)FREE ROAM WOLRD/Non linear (i cant stand limited gameare, andlinear game play)
2)Replayability (most games dont have this, but this ties in with free roam and non linear)
2)Good Stealth system (something oblivion lacked)
3)Good Combat System ( many games are just hack and slash)
4)Good Setting (something fantasy, maybe sci-fi, the thief series can be credited with the best game setting i have ever seen)
5)this ties in with most of the above but good ai (oblivion's ai had many flaws)
6)other unique intresting game fetures are always nice like being able to join factions and stuff, or like in fable your apperance changes as you do evil or good)
please do not post the following games for i have already played them, oh and this has to be a pc game
-Elder Scrolls Series
-Gothic Series
-Theif Series (not rpg, but fits alot of the above)
i'v actually decided to start my own game because i can't find a great one, and even thought im not pro at game making it will hopefully include the features i want, (i dont plan on making it on my own, as i barely know programming, and it would take extremely long to make all the scenery and models on my own, but i am taking programming coarses soon, which will be helpfull). Here is a pic of one of the weapons i made (i will continue to post more)
anyways thanks alot
Whos the Who