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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / TITLE: Project 101- My very first WIP! 3 screens and a block of info.

Game Freak10K
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Posted: 29th Jun 2007 11:09 Edited at: 29th Jul 2007 09:10
EDIT- MODS? Any chance of a delete or modification of the posts title? Im doing the same game but the story is modified and the levels have changed. A lot has changed. Helllooooo %)


Hi! My first WIP here. Its called "project 101". This is a codename for the actual game since Im still learning how to use the more complicated features of FPSC. This is the DX9 version of FPSC.


Stop me if youve heard this one before: You play a lone janitor in a massive multi-mile long science facility deep in the jungle.
Naturally, an experiment has gone slightly wrong in said facility. Unknown to you, the problem is centered around your sector of the massive site. The sector is shut down and cut off from the rest. The only way to safety is to retreat to another sector of the site through a disfunctional train system far below the surface.
**Since the player is a janitor you wont have to look for loads of keycards all the time. You flip a lot of switches though.**


Far from being an excellent modeller or texture artist, I have decided not to use the stock media for the final game, or even the demo. The game is sci-fi and the stock media doesnt fit the story. So in other words you wont be fighting humans...directly. The screenshots below are for level demonstration only. The shotgun, the character and even the wall segment (if I could figure out how to make segments without using signs or the TGC editor), will be custom. Im learning how to make wall segments that actually accept doors since the wall_large doesnt. All custom muzzle flash or I like to call gun sparks, entities, explosions, even I cant wait to play it! Anyway, since my modeling isnt stellar, screenshots will be levels only or a few human characters. Of course, the HUD the menu will take on life of their own as well. Ok, moving on.


Floops for music and sound effects. Audacity for converting to OGG. With music, file size is always a concern, so I was pretty ecstatic when I discovered that FPSC could handle OGG. I even tried it and turned a 95K mp3 clip into a 53K. Think of the possibilities. From 60MB of mp3s to 40 or 36.6 MB of OGG. Except for the necessary WAV file that has to be played at the menu, the game filesize shouldnt be too large.

Im aiming at 250MB maximum or less. Hopefully less since its going to be free. Thats right you heard it here first folks!


Im going to be using more colors than dark gray and shadow. If youve read any of my posts, youll see that I mention the old classics that were sprite powered like Duke3d, Doom, Shadow warrior, Bio-menace etc. So im coming from a 2D perspective with the graphics. Look at the screenshots closely. The walkway above in snapshot 3 isnt using any bump effects only drawn with dark and light on one side or the other. Colors arent outstanding in this map. This is the only downside of using the lightmaps. It adds realism, but obscures the colors somewhat. So ill need to find a balance between color and light. (great, I just added a month more onto the dev process)

So far-
4 screenshots below. These 3 are from the first map I made in line with project 101. It was supposed to be the entrance to the mining area but I removed that section from the game. There are others but they have my underpowered 3d models in them and Im not ready to show them. Well maybe just one... but next time I have a major update.

Thats all for now. The next update is coming shortly. So check back and thanks for dropping in.

You all know the drill; Questions, comments, criticisms, suggestions all welcome. If you hate the game and the way it looks and if you must speak, please do so in a nice non-flammable tone.

Quote "Thankyou for your cooperation. *cut* And if you dont like it you can take your whiney sniveling snot nosed population, form a line behind me and kiss my-- were still on? Well turn it off you idiot!" --click--

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Game Freak10K
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Posted: 29th Jun 2007 11:20
Having a lil problem with the uploading so ill load the other two here

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Game Freak10K
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Posted: 29th Jun 2007 11:26
Oooookay still havin trouble. Dont think I ever posted any images or downloadables before. Heres the last one

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Butt monkey
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Posted: 29th Jun 2007 13:33
That lighting is sweet :o But kill the glowing weapons. They look really stupid

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Posted: 29th Jun 2007 16:25
It looks like the pillar of Autumn from Halo.

It looks nice, but get v106. You can lay weapons flat on a surface with weapon.fpi. It's really cool.

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Posted: 29th Jun 2007 18:27
nice work! like the segments

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Posted: 29th Jun 2007 19:11
You can adjust the weapons like any other entity to lay flat as well.

Please have mercy and use the search function.
flashing snall
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Posted: 29th Jun 2007 23:04
i like the green

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Posted: 30th Jun 2007 02:33
Quote: "You can adjust the weapons like any other entity to lay flat as well."

Doesn't always work for me with weapons using the 1-6 keys
Game Freak10K
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Posted: 30th Jun 2007 08:16
Ok Im back. Got a pistol that Im sure will be changed later and that 3d model I promised. When you see this model, you know why I didnt want to show. But I could use some 3d suggestions as well.

Butt Monkey- Glad you liked the lighting! The map was dull without it and I went through just about every color before green seemed to capture the moment in this level so to speak. Yeah Im gonna ditch the glowing guns, there just in there for demonstration. I dont like empty levels.

American Infantry- map...looks like a Halo level? WHOOOOHOO!!!
Then Im not on the wrong path after all! Thanks a million. Im not too sure about v106. From what Ive read, 06 has a good set of fixes and errors attacthed to it. I want to build in a stable environment for at least the next few days. Get a demo up and off its feet, mayb 4 levels straight with music and all. Thanks for the suggestion and the reference to Halo dude!

Cherd- Thankyou and theres more where that came from! The big tank that the NPC is standing on...I wanted to make it explodable, but I was already getting 17 frames, so looks like it aint happening. Thanks again, and Id like to use the concrete bunker on your site. Im still learning how to make segments, hence "project 101".

FredP- guess I finally got one post done right Something about changing the angle in the guns file makes it lay flat. I read that somewhere before. Will come in handy when I hide the Reconciliator amongst debris in the 9th level right before the final boss... whoops leak.

flashing snall- ha! you should see the level without it. blech!

vorconan- Im not the sharpest with FPSC (yet) but you should be able to rotate a weapon on its side either in editing the entity in the engine itself or editing the weapons text file.

Im gonna try to upload the pistol and new shots with an inactive enemy in them. And yes both need heller work, this is the first model I think I did, other than a primitive

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Game Freak10K
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Posted: 30th Jun 2007 08:19
Heres another. I forgot to mention that I didnt use any lighting at in this map. Im still trying to get some glass in the level.

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Game Freak10K
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Posted: 30th Jun 2007 08:20
triple. cant help it. unless theres a way to upload 3 screens at the same time without zipping them? heres the pistol..err laser.

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Game Freak10K
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Posted: 30th Jun 2007 09:24 Edited at: 30th Jun 2007 09:29
Quadruple...not on purpose.
Here is a video of a very small level that Ive been trying to get the lighting just right. The map needs more atmosphere, and by that I mean doors, switches, animated video readouts and if you look closely the lights arent centered correctly. So this is another demo. But Id like to hear what yall think about it. Its made with an older FRAPs since I managed to misplace the new 282 version somehow.

Video below- to download from bigfilehost, scroll to the bottom of the screen and punch in the code they provide. On the next page you may have to wait 25 seconds(??) and then a download button will appear.


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Silent Thunder
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Posted: 1st Jul 2007 07:07
For some odd reason I am being drawn towards those segments...........

It does look pretty good, keep it up!

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Game Freak10K
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Posted: 1st Jul 2007 12:52
Silent Thunder- The segments are Wall_large, obstacle100.x I think. The very same ones that dont accept doors or windows. Unless of course you meant the textures

Thankyou. Keep it up I shall: here are 3 pics of the boss level showing off red fog (always wanted to do a red level!)

Well one pic per post.

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Game Freak10K
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Posted: 1st Jul 2007 13:02
trying an online host

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Posted: 1st Jul 2007 15:01
the segments are designed nicely, though i'd reccomend using the burn tool if your using photoshop, and perhaps slightly emboss a couple of bits of the segments, to make them look less flat, but so far, very nice work XD

Roger Wilco
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Posted: 1st Jul 2007 15:09
The textures could use a bit more depth. They remind me of the graphics in the Spear of Destiny mission packs, which can be both good and bad, lol.

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Game Freak10K
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2007 04:52

Cherd- thanks. I use the Gimp, but im sure theres a burn tool in there somewhere. wouldnt emboss give a slightly heavy to heavy shadow effect?

Roger Wilco- They could use a lot of depth. However, Spear of Destiny, thats a Wolfenstein Xpak aint it? I hope in this case you all think its a good thing because....

If you want the short version of what Im about to say, skip 3 paragraphs!!!

The flatness of the textures is deliberate. Spear of Destiny...... That is very close to what Im aiming for. I know FPSC can handle bumps and advanced graphics but I want to use that in my next game. Depending on when I finish this one, there shall be another! I have always wanted to make an FPS just like the ones I used to play back in the day. Duke3d was the game that had the most variety for me. The colorful freeze cannon coupled with the colorful Assault troopers in the background, the pig cops charging through a pool of very blue water, all in one screenshot made for colorful scenery.

Doom3 did an excellent job with bumpmaps and real time light etched on both the enemy and the levels. However, the sacrifice was vibrant colors. Through the whole game, except in the underworld, youll see spikes in vibrant colors like the lights of machines, computer screens and various other places. But you wont see a wall made of yellow with purple lights, or dark red with green lights. Some of the large doors in the caverns and in the xpak R.O.E had standout color. Quake 4 had nice colors. Especially the tetranode map. The blue mixed with the red of the giant walker or stalker or whatever its called, the yellow hovering stroggs the Nexus protectors themseleves and my favorite the Gunner. Colorful. Not the same shadowed gray and dusty gray and bumpped gray and gray poupon and gray with cement texture and gray on lighter and darker gray with gray on gray etc.

This first game of mine will be using lots of mixed colors, bright colors, candy colors if you must ! I will take into account shadows and bumps for the next game. Its already written up, but FPSc needs to advance a bit further to handle it. In the next game, one area has enemies exhuming themselves from tombs and grave markers. You fight off a tomb full of undead enemies who managed somehow to be buried with their active weapons.

Short version:
Thankyou for your advice Cherd and Roger Wilco! But this game by design, deliberately utilizes flat graphics with only lightmap effects. My next title as described above will definitely use those effects Trust me Im dying to do bumps and 512x512 high detail textures. But thats under the scope of research right now. I want to start my trail with a colorful introduction and then end with the good stuff!

Be back in a few days. Returning with more content, and better video. Wont be posting at least until Friday. So thanks for the comments and dont forget about me over the next 5 days!


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Roger Wilco
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2007 16:34 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2007 16:35
You know, after reading your response to my comment, I must say that it's quite an interesting approach you're taking here, and I support you fully, mostly because of my love for classic FPS' too. I look forward to seeing more of this, and how far you can make it go with the retroness. In this case, the Spear of Destiny-comment was pretty positive. The expansion missions aren't all pretty, but some textures look really cool.

Whilst you're at it, why not try a comic book-like approach, with speach bubbles and that kinda stuff? You could have the enemies alert by having a big exclamation mark pop up over their heads or something like that. It'd be an interesting combination, classic gaming and comics.

I hope that Lee will look over the trouble with the segment bump-shader, because it's really bugging me that only entities have decent normalmap support.

"Or perhaps we're just one of god's little jokes?"
Game Freak10K
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Posted: 7th Jul 2007 06:15
Hi! As promised, Ive returned, Friday on time! Ill try not to type too much, get right to the point.

Roger Wilco- great to see a fellow old school gamer ! I hope to use the ancient episode approach as well as the comic orientation.
Thanks for your support. I was considering midi music, but thats too much!

Here are 3 enemies Ive been working on:

The crawler

The hyper Crawler

The Hybrid

In addition I have 3 new maps but lightmapping is only working on one of them so ill show it here. This is the currently empty security base:

There are also the Local Storage area and Electrical system. I dont like the bright shadowless maps so I wont show them until I figure out why FPSC wont pick up the lights in those levels.

Thought I wasnt coming back huh?

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Posted: 8th Jul 2007 05:42
@Game Freak10K, someone is looking for concept art and you look quite good at it, you should look at the thread.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2007 07:25
lol the hyper crawler's shape and stuff reminds me of the headcrabs in half-life. this is looking pretty good so far!

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Posted: 21st Jul 2007 07:38
@darmic- I would like to help, however Im drowning in this project, in a good way. Glad you thought my concepts were ok.

@freakshow- Thanks and the crawlers act more like the Ant-Lions. 4 legs can be animated without having to watch 11 hours of National Geographic and learn how an insect walks I

@MODS- I have a title and lots....LOTS of new content but I dont want to post it here in this thread anymore. I dont want to skip ahead either by starting another thread for the same game so I guess.....MODS, can this thread be deleted? I didnt choose the topic name too carefully this time. pretty please?

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Posted: 31st Jul 2007 21:55
I lost intrest after lightmapping was removed.

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