retouching pictures is fun, when you're doing it for fun. If it's your job, it's hateful and repetitive, and all the graphic designers will call you a mac monkey.
is your friend at uni? going to uni?
really for getting into the industry, its your ideas more than your ability to work photoshop that'll get you the job. They can teach you how to work the programmes you need, but they can't give you a good eye or ideas.
graphic design is such an umbrella for disciplines that it's becoming an almost un-useful name, you can be an illustrator, print designer, web designer, animator, programmer, mixed media, interior designer, advertiser, billboard designer. If she keeps learning new programmes, and expands her skill set, all of these are potentially open to her, and providing she can find someone to pay her to do whatever, infinitely transferable.
I don't have a sig, live with it.