Heh, I always wear toques. Hot or not.
Van's right about the jig (press), that was the main part of the video. I skipped past me putting the veneers in the jig and compressing it, kind of got bored of taping. It only takes about 12 hours to make the actual deck (have to let the glue try).
Van about the flexibility, you actually don't want decks to be flexible. All major companies use huge hydrological-powered presses with steel in place of the wood I used, shaped to the exact shape of the board. The stiffer the board, the more control / pop you get out of it. Instead of adding flex, you add concave to the board to give the extra pop.
I learnt what I'd need / how to make the decks from spending like a week of doing insane research. I started talking to an editor of Transworld Magazine (the biggest skating magazine in the world, they do skate videos as well). He got really into what I was trying to do and gave me contacts with some of the major deck producing companies like Almost's deck suppliers. I could've just bought blank decks from them, put my graphics on, but I managed to find their veneer supplier (who's located really close to me), and he's able to sell me very cheap veneers, with professional grade makes.
$35 is actually an amazing price. Blank decks sell for around $60 at West 49. Pro models can be anywhere from $90 and up. My decks are made from better wood than the West blanks, and have the concave of pro boards, so ATM Im seeing my decks as being in the middle of blank and pro. "Almost like a pro, cheaper than a blank".
Shadow, I think he was talking Celsius.
Thanks for all the comments,
- RUC'