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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Vague - Survivalhorror-game

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Posted: 26th Oct 2007 18:49
good idea.

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Posted: 29th Oct 2007 15:26
Here's new picture of John West. Now with slightly different costume and new head.

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Posted: 14th Dec 2007 15:56 Edited at: 30th Jan 2008 14:57
Once again I say this: Vague is going on smoothly.
Demo is almost ready. Only missing things are HUD&menus and coloring up a comic strip.

Heres some screenshots from demolevel:

After all what's happened, are you really sure you wanna go there?

Storage. If you wonder where's the light sources, they are between those shelves and behind boxpile.

Laboratory B1

P.S. I'm looking for voiceactors. Anyone who's interested and haves a manly voice, contact me: juz_the_dude AT
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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 19:52
The new screens look good, just work some more detail into the walls and such


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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 20:01
Thanks for your comment Paul I'll try that and see what it looks like.
TJR Games
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Posted: 20th Dec 2007 10:01
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Posted: 1st Jan 2008 20:54 Edited at: 1st Jan 2008 20:55
Vague demo is here! I suggest you to read readme before playing.

System requirements:

Minimum: 1024mb RAM, 1.6gHz processor and 128mb GPU.
Recommended: 1.5gb RAM, 2.0gHz Processor and 128mb GPU

Have fun

chees hed
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Posted: 1st Jan 2008 22:01 Edited at: 1st Jan 2008 22:40
saw the trailer, awesnesst trailer. ill tell you how the demo was

EDIT: the demo was as good as the trailer except:
1. some of the rooms were a little plain, try simple room fillers like paintings,cabinents, or chairs and couches

2. at the end after i killed the "boss" ( either that or he just happens to be a really strong character ) i got the key but there was nothing to use it for, and there was no way to win because i had been everywhere and the rest of the doors were fake. and at the hallway next to the elevator it said "press enter to use" but when i pressed enter i didn use anything, i didnt even see anything to use.

it was really nice but you need to work out theses things and then i will be happy

what doesn't kill me makes me stronger; but if something kills me, I'm not that strong am I?

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2008 14:28 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2008 14:31
Thanks for your comment chees hed. Glad you liked the game and the trailer.

1: I'm sorry if some of the rooms are plain, but I try to make realistic rooms, if it's supposed to be plain, then it is. I don't want to fill a room with some useless furniture etc. if they don't fit there though your suggestion is good and i've noticed that some of my rooms really need more stuff inside them.

2: It wasn't really a boss, just a stubborn V.I.O.W. Hmm.. that's very odd. The switch you use in the elevator hallway, is supposed to open the air condition shaft as the sign says. After that you go to laboratory and get the key from the corpse and return to that elevator hallway. The key should open the elevator doors.
chees hed
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2008 17:46
well it said "press enter to use but i didnt see anything; and i only saw one elevator, and the door was automatic; whe i went back throught the elevator shaft the door was always closed and after 15 minutes trying to find out what i was supposed to do and running through the same hallways 30+ times, i just quit and reported it to you. maybe i just suck at this game, but i do think there is something wrong.

what doesn't kill me makes me stronger; but if something kills me, I'm not that strong am I?

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2008 12:45
Oooh that. You mean in the green elevator hallway? Well.. there's a bug I forgot to delete. You are able to switch the switch through the wall.. And after that, the vent duct door keeps closed.

To all:

Don't press enter at green hallway!
chees hed
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Posted: 4th Jan 2008 00:24
allright ill play it again see how it goes. i like that comic cutscene

what doesn't kill me makes me stronger; but if something kills me, I'm not that strong am I?

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Posted: 7th Jan 2008 16:56
Ok, here's my review:

The layout was pretty good, but there were a few things a bit strange. The starting hallway had no light sources, which looked very odd because it was so bright. Shortly afterwards there is a big room with just a vending machine and a cigarette dispenser. If the room is for refreshments and such, why not set out a few chairs and a coffee table?

The lighting throughout was pretty good stuff. My only annoyance is that the player relies on the flashlight a lot. The flashlight trick for FPSC just ups the ambience behind a semi-transparent HUD, and this ruins the lighting you have. It also means the player can see everything, which can kill a bit of the scare factor. Sure, games like FEAR and Doom have flashlights, but both have limitations such as not being able to use a weapon at the same time and running out of power and needing to recharge. At the moment, there is nothing stopping your players from just leaving the flashlight on, which ruins your effective lighting, and ruins any dark scary bits.

There were a couple of unresponsive enemies, and it was quite frustrating with such a low amount of ammo. Maybe consider adding a very weak weapon or melee weapon so that the player does have a last resort. The grenade randomly on the floor was a bit strange, not sure why it was there, or what use it was in the small rooms.

The outside area with the car was done nicely, but the first outdoor bit with the warehouse stairs wasn't too effective, and to be honest I didn't notice it was outdoors at first.

Have you tried spawning enemies with trigger zones? It might reduce the speed issues I'm getting, and maybe stop the unresponsive AI.

I have that railing ready for you also.

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Posted: 8th Jan 2008 14:23
Thank you for review Paul. You have some good points there and there's no thing I would disagree. The hallway with cigarette machine and vending machine was just supposed to be a random hallway

The first outdoor place was supposed to be some kind of atrium. I know the stairs are pretty ugly and doesn't fit there, but I didn't have any better. Sure I can model, but for some reason, I can't get the textures to work.

And for the ammunation problem. There will be a minipistol in the real game: J22 from model pack 9. It has very, very little power but you found it's ammunition almost everywhere. I sure could use the melee weapons of model packs 9-10 but they are too.. dominating. I mean you just keep mousebutton pressed down near enemy and he/she/it keeps falling and falling and losing health.

No I haven't tried spawning enemies like that.. I'll try that.

Thanks for the railing and the review
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Posted: 17th Jan 2008 16:13
Could someone reply please? My game can't be that bad.
chees hed
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Posted: 17th Jan 2008 16:55
its not bad, its very good. but there hasnt been anything new to talk about. post a few new screens or something.

what doesn't kill me makes me stronger; but if something kills me, I'm not that strong am I?

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Posted: 17th Jan 2008 17:13
Well if demo doesn't bring in any talking then.. what brings?

And I will put some screenies here.. when I make progress with full game.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2008 10:18 Edited at: 29th Jan 2008 15:13
New screenshots of Vague is here! These screens are from Part 2: Mansion
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Posted: 26th Jan 2008 10:35
Looking very good mate, the railings fit very well Maybe add a few paintings on the walls.

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Posted: 26th Jan 2008 10:50
Thanks for your advice but I don't really think painting's fit very well in the main hall. There are some painting's in the gallery room and other rooms though.
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Posted: 29th Jan 2008 14:57
New screenshots again! These are from all over the game.
Roger Wilco
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Posted: 29th Jan 2008 21:17
Heh, when I saw the screenshot with the staircases, it made me think of Trilby's Notes.

Nice work, although some rooms look a little wide.
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Posted: 30th Jan 2008 01:43
Interesting. It made me think of DarkFact's DarkArena: The Complex II.

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Posted: 30th Jan 2008 14:44 Edited at: 30th Jan 2008 14:49
Haha Wilco, so you have played Chzo Mythos too? Great series
Heres a link to youtube video where my friend plays 5 Days A Stranger with piano if you're interested.

gunn3r: Is that a good or bad?
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Posted: 30th Jan 2008 15:11
Well, it's a really fun MP map to play, so yes.

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Posted: 30th Jan 2008 15:17
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2008 11:41
Nice new screens Very nice lighting, not too dark, not too light.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2008 11:45
Thank you very much Paul. Interesting. I thought the ligthing was the worst part but thanks anyway
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2008 19:56
No, I like it, but maybe change the light fitting in the bathroom, it doesn't fit very well.

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Posted: 4th Feb 2008 15:27
Yeah I think I should though there's usually only one light in bathroom and that's above the mirror (atleast I have )
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Posted: 5th Feb 2008 14:30
Vague is now a half way of its finish and I have a very important question:

When I try to build a game with 8 levels or more, it jams for a moment (at the point "creating entity instances) and then crashes: "Program has encountered a problem and needs to close. Extra debug info bla bla bla". This happens everytime no matter what's the level 8.

This is pretty important because I dont want to cut my game to parts and publish them one after another.
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Posted: 11th Feb 2008 17:12
Hmm, it's a shame you're running into problems, this is looking very good. Maybe post your question on the Bug Report board? What version of FPSC are you using?

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Posted: 11th Feb 2008 17:17
Yeah, maybe I could. My version is 1.07
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Posted: 11th Feb 2008 17:23
Update to V1.8 BETA. It might help.


-Astek Games Developer-
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Posted: 12th Feb 2008 14:47
Didn't work. Thanks for advice anyway.
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Posted: 16th Feb 2008 19:47
Any more updates Juzi? Looking forward to more

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Posted: 16th Feb 2008 19:50 Edited at: 16th Feb 2008 19:51
Not at the moment. I'm working with Part 4 levels and I will post some screens when I have something to show of. Finished one song for the soundtrack also.
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Posted: 18th Feb 2008 19:56
Nice, can't wait for screens.

Roger Wilco
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Posted: 19th Feb 2008 00:15 Edited at: 19th Feb 2008 00:17
@Juzi: Yeah, I'm a fan of Yahtzee's work, especially his review work, you know Zero Punctuation. I've yet to actually finish any of the Chzo games, but I've seen my brother play all of 5 days. Great series indeed.
Oh, and cool vid, your friend playing the theme.

And sorry for the late response.
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Posted: 19th Feb 2008 10:49
Thanks Roger. No I don't know Zero Punctuation.

No worries
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Posted: 8th Mar 2008 20:09
New screenshots again


Office with nicer shadows thanks to setup.ini
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Posted: 12th Mar 2008 15:58
Whoa nice screens. Loving the tunnel, really nice effect there.

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Posted: 12th Mar 2008 15:59
Thank ya
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Posted: 12th Mar 2008 17:34
These new shots are really awesome. The tunnels looks really haunting and I like the way the lighting works in the door picture.

Nice work

-Astek Games Developer-
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Posted: 12th Mar 2008 17:38
Thanks I really tried to make a creepy tunnel and I think I succeeded
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Posted: 15th Mar 2008 18:11
Once again; New screenies.

Kitchen of death.

V.I.O.W Testing Facility Old Section hall.
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Posted: 15th Mar 2008 18:20
looks really good!! i just would like to see a little more light sources

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Posted: 15th Mar 2008 18:23
Thanks Dude232. Are you meaning these new pics? I think the hall pic has plenty of light sources
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Posted: 16th Mar 2008 19:09
Hey, I want to know how you have your setup.ini set up.
By the way, nice looking game!


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Posted: 17th Mar 2008 07:47
Thanks Astek. Well I haven't made dramatic changes to it. Just changed Lightmapquality to 100. If I put it any higher, some of the levels won't work. So I have to settle with "only" 100

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