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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Vague - Survivalhorror-game

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Posted: 18th Nov 2008 21:23
I finally completed that demo!! Cacked my pants at certain points and i think i found a hidden room lol! like, when you go in the vent shaft and its all black and dark, instead of going left i found you could go right but i ended up in some darkened room and couldnt see anything, so i fired a few shots off and it looked like the inside of a small closet or something, anyway i panicked and couldnt get out so i had to start again haha!

great game, love it, its the ammunition levels that make this game as great as it is!

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Posted: 19th Nov 2008 07:59
rakker126: I edited the setup.ini. Find "lightmapquality" and type a number in there (100 is enough). These nice shadows won't be seen in Vague though because my game won't work if I apply these nice effects.

Cherd: Nice to hear that my game is scary. And yes, it was a hidden room

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Posted: 19th Nov 2008 16:05
The game is great, by me those effects a samly won't work/ Verey time i save it just disseapars again...

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Posted: 19th Nov 2008 16:14
Yeah, it's pretty buggy

The Fps Creator rocks!
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Posted: 20th Nov 2008 20:37
Cool game! Looks scary. Keep up the good work!

The nVidia FX 5200 graphics card sucks!
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Posted: 21st Nov 2008 00:06 Edited at: 21st Nov 2008 00:13
The screenshots are fantastic, Downloading now. This is a must play.
Great work,

"Some people complain about insanity, but I enjoy every minute of it."
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Posted: 21st Nov 2008 08:02
The Fps Creator rocks!: Thanks!

MasterXMP: Thank you. Let me know what you think

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Posted: 4th Dec 2008 00:35
Little Update

First of all.. I take freedom to announce that Vague 2 is being in-developement slowly. Don't wait much of information from that soon though.

Lately I've been working on HUD (Head-Up Display). During this four hours graphics maraton (And 6 energy drinks later) I think I have finally succeeded to-do exactly what Juzi wanted. Vague is now really close of release. So keep checking back this thread frequently.

Primary release date for Vague is this December.

Thanks for reading.

From finland
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Posted: 4th Dec 2008 08:55
Umm.. thanks Azekriel. I just have some plans for Vague 2 but it's not very sure if there's ever going to be a sequel.

And about the release date: Vague will NOT be released this december, since we are only starting to make the cut scenes. Vague will be released early-mid 2009.

And thanks for the HUD. Much appreciated

Butt monkey
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Posted: 4th Dec 2008 16:55
I think Azekriel just got a bit over excited
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Posted: 4th Dec 2008 17:15
Haha, yeah

A small update: There will be a website of this game in a couple of days... or maybe even hours.

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Posted: 5th Dec 2008 03:08
This looks awesome! I can't wait for this game to be finished!

NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT FTW
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Posted: 6th Dec 2008 20:37

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Posted: 9th Dec 2008 19:54
Vague website is here!

Visit the website here:

The layout will be changed but the site is mainly ready.

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Posted: 10th Dec 2008 17:00 Edited at: 10th Dec 2008 17:01
A small update again:

Thanks to Azekriel, Vague will now have a small amount of custom decal animations, such as blood and dust puff.

Thistle Studios
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Posted: 14th Dec 2008 16:01
Looks awesome, Juzi! Much better than mine!

Making the challenge? More like kicking teh nass!
Seen Endangered City yet? It wont last long!
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Posted: 14th Dec 2008 16:05
Thanks YFPSD. Your game doesn't look that bad and anyways, your game is much more unfinished so it's pretty early to compare them

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2008 10:53 Edited at: 22nd Dec 2008 10:54

Third Vague trailer is under work. The game is almost done so everything you see in the trailer will be in game, unlike in last 2 trailers.

Oh! And merry christmas and happy new year everyone!

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Posted: 8th Jan 2009 16:21
Ok. I have started to redo the first level's lighting with pretty good results in my opinion. I have played with different colors and fittings and here's one of the results attached.

Tell me what you think.

PS. Trailer number 3 will be delayed a bit because we can't get the videos to work.


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Thistle Studios
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Posted: 8th Jan 2009 18:03
Awesome screenshots, at first I couldn't believe why the first posts had slagged you off for not showing anything, but now I know its because you only recently updated the first post.
Argh! I really want to play it but for some reason it keeps doing a savedump every time the level loads!

But all in all, awesome work!

Making the challenge? More like kicking teh nass!
Seen Endangered City yet? It wont last long!
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Posted: 8th Jan 2009 19:02
Thanks mate!

Sucks that you're running into problems. I hope you don't have this problem with the full game.

Oh about that slagging. I do know that I've updated the first post to have more screenshots but somehow I think that the first posts with full of critism kinda.. moves away some of the people. And for somehow, I think those first posts are the main reason why I'm having so little posts.

Anyway, glad you like my screenshots

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Posted: 17th Jan 2009 14:25
I have some news. I'm going to make a second demo of Vague. This time it will have two large levels. The reason I'm making this demo is that last time, the game was not even near to finished (4-5 levels). Now I have all the 40 levels done, so I now have more to show off.

Here are some screenshots of the demo level. They are still W.I.P. Enjoy.


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Posted: 17th Jan 2009 14:25


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Posted: 17th Jan 2009 14:25


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Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 18th Jan 2009 10:19
I'm liking those new sceenshots, Juzi! I especially like the street one, although maybe you could try making the light from those street lights orange to add to the atmosphere.

Looking forward to the demo!


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Posted: 18th Jan 2009 10:20
The exterior shots look amazing!
Gonna download the demo asap

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Posted: 19th Jan 2009 12:31
Avenging Eagle: Thanks! Glad you like it. About those lights: I think they could need some work. I'll start redoing those 50-60 lights when I have time.

Ehetyz: Thanks man! The demo will also feature custom HUD this time

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Posted: 19th Feb 2009 16:22
Bump and some news.

We have decided to make the cut scenes' comic strips fully by hand. This will give the cut scenes a more artistic and original look.

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2009 19:56
Okay Avenging Eagle. I have now changed the colors of the lights and they look pretty good IMO, or as CoZ said: "Bloody marvellous"

Take a look.


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User Banned
Posted: 23rd Feb 2009 20:06
great design,looks pretty awesome,especially these outdoor scenes are just yummy.and if the final game will have really 40 levels like you said,its gonna be the biggest and most fun game to play probably yet

A.K.A. djmaster
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2009 20:08
Quote: "as CoZ said: "Bloody marvellous""

To right! Looking good Juzi

Keep it Up


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Posted: 23rd Feb 2009 20:16
Thanks guys! Not long to wait. We only have to make cut scenes, (they are half way done) fix bugs and make menus and you can play the game!

Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 24th Feb 2009 08:19
Excellent work! The subtle lighting change really makes a difference to the atmosphere. I can't wait to have a run around in this level.


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Posted: 26th Feb 2009 11:38

lllstrikesmember 2
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 00:42
hay buddy its me cody c from 3strikes entertainment.. not sure if you remember me but yah haha i havnt been here in a while... been working alot with film and animation and not so much games... but i just wanted to see how Vague was doing ... everything looks pretty stinkin awsome and im glad everything is going good...if you need anything .. beta tester or anything then just send me an email... talk to you later bro

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 02:59
Top notch stuff here, awesome work juzi.
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 07:51
lllstrikesmember 2: Thanks! Of course I remember you and your awesome review. I'll add you on msn and we can talk more

puppy of kosh: Thanks!

FPSC BOTB Developer
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 12:30
Great work there Juzi.
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 13:00 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2009 15:24
Thanks mate

EDIT: Has anyone visited the Vague website yet? I'm willing to hear feedback

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 19:02
great website,might need some slight more design but your call,im only wondering from your weapon list,where will you get a magnum revolver? i hope you are not pointing at stock python or EAI's revolver that isnt that big to resemble a magnum

A.K.A. djmaster
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 19:06
The website is still under work

I'm using EAI's 44 Combat-revolver. I don't know much about guns but I think this is a magnum, and if it isn't, I'm gonna buy EAI's Desert Eagle from the store.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 19:11
its only capable of shooting 44 bullet type,i think you should go for a desert eagle or something like that

A.K.A. djmaster
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2009 19:15
Okay, thanks for clearing that out

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Posted: 21st Mar 2009 16:16
Some news.

Vague demo will not have 2 levels. It will have 4 action and horror packed levels!

I had to start the demo all over since my levels stopped working but demo is coming along very good, 3 levels are ready.

Here's some shots of remade demo:



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Posted: 21st Mar 2009 16:17


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Posted: 21st Mar 2009 16:17
And last but not least, some sneak peek on Vague's custom decal effects:

Dust puff


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Posted: 23rd Mar 2009 16:52
The city one looks especially nice, good work!
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2009 18:46
Okay. Demo is now somewhat ready. Expect publish in a couple of days or even today!

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2009 20:17 Edited at: 24th Mar 2009 14:35
Thanks Chordata

EDIT: Can a moderator please change this thread's name to:
Vague - Survivalhorror game WIP

Thanks in advance.

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Posted: 31st Mar 2009 14:14 Edited at: 4th Apr 2009 17:00
Vague's second demo is here!

Download *not available*

I heavily suggest to read the Readme.txt before playing.

Minimum system requirements: (30-40fps)
2.0 ghz processor
2gb of RAM
128mb GPU with DirectX 9.0 support.
160mb of hard drive space

Recommended: (50-60fps)

Dual core 2.6 ghz
3gb of RAM
128mb GPU with DirectX 9.0 support
160mb of hard drive space

The credits can be found from the Readme.txt but I have to thank for the following persons:

Paul112 for his support and help on this project

Creator of Zombies for his nice words and shaders

YFPSD for cheering me up

and to the whole FPS Creator community for nice words, critism, scripts and models!

Hope you enjoy the demo.

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