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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Vague - Survivalhorror-game

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Posted: 31st Mar 2009 15:20
I´m downloading! The screens are looking really nice...

lllstrikesmember 2
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Posted: 31st Mar 2009 22:17
hay juzi its cody .. last night i downloaded your demo and for some reason when ever the loaded completes there is no level... all i see is the skybox... and then i die... i cant walk around or see anything but the skybox

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Posted: 31st Mar 2009 22:58
weird.....haha thats funny...

I tried it and it worked, great demo!

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Posted: 1st Apr 2009 09:43 Edited at: 1st Apr 2009 09:43
Cody: Hmm.. that's odd. My betatesters haven't had that bug. Try to download the latest DirectX and if it still doesn't work, try to redownload the demo.

rakker126: Thanks!

I'm looking forward for your reviews guys! I want to know how to improve my level design, lighting and such

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Posted: 1st Apr 2009 22:50
I tested this out... I like the fact that you did a large urban area, that's always risky with FPSC, and you pulled it off pretty well. Here's some pros and cons;

+ The shaders look great, the "dog" running past the lights made my jaw drop
+The explosive barrel was a nice touch
+Limiting the ammo was good, it made the combat a lot more suspenseful.
+ The frame rate was steady
+The blood puffs looked great, a lot better than the standard FPSC gore.

- It wasn't very scary. I guess you were going for more of an action game though.
-Bugs; When I fell through the floor and died the third time I simply ragequit the game.
- A bit empty. For example the "shop" with health and ammo felt very artificial because it was so empty. A bit more attention to detail would be nice...

Overall, it was better than average, and it's always nice to see city areas in FPSC games.

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Posted: 1st Apr 2009 23:03
Thank you Ehetyz!

About those cons. I know it wasn't very scary, and the main thing that makes Vague scary, is that you have to conserve ammo, and when you have shot all your bullets to a small spider, you'll be screwed. There will be some "neat" crazyness effects in the full release though

About falling through the floor. That's a weird bug indeed. You along with my friend are the only ones who have encountered this. I really don't have any idea how to fix this.

And about that "shop" (a drugstore, atleast I tried to make it look like one), I agree that it's a bit empty but I really had no idea what I could have put in there

Thanks for your review!

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Posted: 4th Apr 2009 17:00
Link removed for now since we have encountered some major issues with the demo.

It only works on approximately 25% of machines. That's why we will turn shaders off, and get rid of S4mod.

creator of zombies
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Posted: 5th Apr 2009 17:34
Quote: "The shaders look great, the "dog" running past the lights made my jaw drop"

Glad my programming paid off then

Looking sweet Juzi


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Posted: 5th Apr 2009 17:49
Quote: "Glad my programming paid off then"

Quote: "That's why we will turn shaders off"

I'll give you my comprehensive review over MSN Juzi, there are a few bugs I came across and some suggestions. Overall, very good though


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Posted: 5th Apr 2009 23:16
CoZ: Thanks and sorry, I won't be using your shaders since it seems to cause some problems on most machines. Your shaders are very high quality but I can't put them into Vague thanks to FSPC.

Paul112: Cool! Cant wait.

2 Rogues
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Posted: 17th Apr 2009 01:02
Hello, and thank you for responding to my lonely page juzi. your game looks extremely solid with beautiful custom media and nice outdoor enviroments. I would love to play the demo and I look foward to updates on the game. Oh! and remember to look for updates on my page too! Have fun!

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Posted: 17th Apr 2009 14:56
Thank you! (Hopefully) not long to wait for the second demo.

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Posted: 18th Apr 2009 21:57 Edited at: 18th Apr 2009 22:01
Okay guys, the second demo has been updated and it should have only some minor bugs (not major, like falling through the ground when you start the game).

A little warning: The first level will propably lag on most of the machines but the 4 other levels should be a steady 30-38 fps on most of the machines.

And another warning:

This game contains some strong language and extreme gore. Play at your own risk.


2 Rogues
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Posted: 18th Apr 2009 23:03 Edited at: 19th Apr 2009 01:42
Oh, lovely.

2 Rogues
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Posted: 19th Apr 2009 01:53
Ok, well I just played your wonderful demo, and besides enemies falling through closed doors (which I know really can't be fixed, but oh well) that game is amazing, and it's kinda funny to see a demo that is about as long as your average Joe FPSC game, lol. You managed to freak me out, and thats coming from a guy who plays gears of war and resident evil. The zombies have a lot of variety and you don't use that annoying "walking through a 1 segment hallway and a zombie spawns.......behind you" thing. Great work man! Everyone is going to have a blast out of this game! (P.S. omegamod would be beneficial for a game that is as good as fear)

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Posted: 19th Apr 2009 15:51 Edited at: 19th Apr 2009 15:52
Thank you 2 Rogues! Always nice to hear praise

I'm not planning to get any mod since they seem to bring some weird bugs, like player falling through the ground when he spawns and such.

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Posted: 19th Apr 2009 19:53
Tested out the new demo.
I was a bit disappointed on the gore front, I was hoping for something more extreme
But on a more serious note... I don't know what happened between this and the previous demo, but this one was laggy to the point of unplayable. The previous had a steady, over-25 frame rate, but here it never went above 10fps (except when I stared at the ground).
So... Not for the low-powered systems I guess.

2 Rogues
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Posted: 19th Apr 2009 23:00
The mod doesn't do any thing to FPSC, and if u take screenshots, the effects dont show up, so it's probably just a filter, and btw the game for me was vreh smooth, running at roughly 31 fps for me. Eheytz, what r ur comp specs?

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Posted: 20th Apr 2009 01:59
The .dll mods which you are suggesting '2 Rogues', do effect the frame rate. You do not know about this because you're running a high end system, but the mods you speak of use post-processing effects, which are very CPU heavy.

I personally consider them useless for FPSC X9 because they are so limiting on the target audience, often requiring specs similar to the X10 version to get any decent performance out of, which then begs the question - "why not just use X10?"

Juzi, is this the release with the menu screens? I have yet to get round to the comprehensive review, I just haven't had time yet, apologies.


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Posted: 20th Apr 2009 08:59
Ehetyz: Yeah, I agree that it's not the "goriest" game around there but atleast it has blood and headless corpses and such

The framerate is lower because I removed S4mod from the game. I rather have a working but laggy demo, than a smooth but very, very buggy demo (like stated numerous times, almost half of the players fell through the ground at start.)

2 Rogues: Nice to hear that the game was smooth

Paul112: Menu screens? You mean loading screens? Yup, they are there . I will eagerly wait for your review

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Posted: 20th Apr 2009 13:38
It doesn't need to be gory to be fun.

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Posted: 21st Apr 2009 18:35
looks great and i like it but not enough gore for me i seriously gotta make a 30+ game one of these days with tons of gore,blood on every few inches

A.K.A. chargerbandit
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Posted: 21st Apr 2009 19:06
darimc: Yeah, gore isn't the main thing of Vague anyway.

djmaster: Haha! I'd really like to see that game some day

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2009 01:42
Very CPU-heavy, eh? well my computer has a 1.4GHZ CPU, and I didn't get any issues with the framerate.
Quote: "You do not know about this because you're running a high end system"
and WTH do you consider high-end mai friend?

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2009 02:10
I think I meant GPU. I tried it on my PC with 128MB VRAM, and 512MB RAM and it turned into a slideshow.

When I say "high end", I don't mean Crysis style. I mean you have better than the recommended requirements for FPSC, which judging by your game, which I know would have lagged teribly on mine but was apparently fine for you, I assume you have.


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Posted: 22nd Apr 2009 02:21
i probably wont be able to play it with a integrated graphics card

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2009 08:55
Dude232: As far as I know about computers, your GPU shouldn't affect the framerate at all, since there isn't any "nice visual effects" like shaders and such. You do need a good CPU and lots of RAM.

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2009 15:40
i have 3gb of ram so i bet that would help

2 Rogues
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2009 15:55
Thank you for clarifying Juzi, I don't have a good CPU (and I only have a gig of RAM) but I do have a NVidia GEforce 7600 GT AGP 512mb Graphics processor, so maybe that has something to do with it. Until next time!

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Posted: 27th Apr 2009 13:08

The second demo is waiting for players. I'm looking forward to your reviews

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Posted: 27th Apr 2009 15:22
I played it,very very nice,the crawling zombie is positioned a bit werid so he appeared before i even opened the gate.Otherwise its pretty good,had some lag in the city near piles of cars and in the lab but otherwise it was pretty good,i got killed by dante later.

A.K.A. chargerbandit
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Posted: 27th Apr 2009 15:49
Thank you! Yeah, I forgot to spawn the crawler via trigger zone.

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Posted: 27th Apr 2009 16:32 Edited at: 27th Apr 2009 16:34
Okay, It's time to say this.

Vague is really close to release, and I have a very important question: How many of you would be ready to pay for this? Say, 5 dollars. There's lots of custom media and we have seen very much effort to this so I think it's fair to ask even a little price. Of course, if people aren't willing to pay even a small price, then we are going to release Vague for free.

And another thing:

I'm happy to announce that we have decided to make a sequel to this game. Vague 2. Vague 2 will be a commercial game, and it won't be made with FPS Creator anymore. It will have everything custom. Engine, graphics, models, music, sounds, everything. These kind of projects wont be free so I have a question: Would someone like to donate us a small amount of cash via PayPal? Even a small help is a good help.

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Posted: 27th Apr 2009 16:51
I think 5$ is fair but I would go for free,more people will appreciate it.But this is just my opinion.Good luck with Vague 2 and your fancy engine you are going to make for it.

A.K.A. chargerbandit
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Posted: 27th Apr 2009 17:07
Thank you

2 Rogues
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Posted: 27th Apr 2009 17:55
I would say $5 is quite a good deal for such a unique game. So it's close to the end then, welllllllll good luck and, I hope this project has as much potential as your first production.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2009 13:47
As my first production? Vague is my first production

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Posted: 28th Apr 2009 14:03
He means it like: "I hope this has a lot of potential, since it is your first productions".

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Posted: 28th Apr 2009 16:29
Ah, okay

2 Rogues
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Posted: 28th Apr 2009 19:34
I meant your proposed sequel. Vague has tunzzzzzz of potential, are you kidding me!!!!

Thistle Studios
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Posted: 12th May 2009 23:00
Quote: "GEforce 7600 GT AGP 512mb"

Are you kidding me? Im not the only one who uses AGP, far less has a practically identical Graphics card?
Geforce 7600 GS AGP 512....

Pentium 4 2.61ghz 1.5gb DDR 333Mhz RAM NVIDIA GeForce 7600GS AGP 8X
Endangered City. An Endangered Species
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Posted: 13th May 2009 10:14 Edited at: 13th May 2009 15:09
Hey, let's stay on topic

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 13th May 2009 18:39 Edited at: 13th May 2009 18:40
I'm stuck in the town. I don't know what to do after I go into that pharmacy. I'm stuck there, but the game before that is good.

PS. Hey!!! I just noticed that you are from Finland too!!! Päivää!

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Posted: 13th May 2009 19:52
You'll have to advance to the public park. Go out of the pharmacy and walk to the other side of the road and look for a gate.

Lisää suomalaisia, jippii

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Posted: 15th May 2009 22:03 Edited at: 23rd May 2009 11:45
Yes, now I noticed that! I just tried to press "enter" when I needed to press "f". Now I got into the part after seweres... Great, I have nothing to complain about. Atleast it's way better than mine! (Planet Hell).

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 16th May 2009 15:20
I climbed up on the pharmacy roof... LoL.... You should make that barrel at the first lvl static so so that yuo can't put it on top of the wheelchair and jump on the roof.

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Posted: 17th May 2009 14:00
Thanks mate! And ha, nice bug found. I'm not completely rebuilding the demo just for that but nice found

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Posted: 18th May 2009 18:46 Edited at: 18th May 2009 18:46
Signature test.

Yup, it's working.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 27th May 2009 08:26
When will this be released... Or did I miss it? (hopefully not)

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Posted: 27th May 2009 09:56 Edited at: 27th May 2009 13:06
First the game was supposed to come out in 2007, then 2008 and now 2009. I'm really working hard to get it out in time. If I have to give dates, then I'd say August-September. Let's hope this isn't the next Duke Nukem Forever

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