I want to eventually make a 3rd person involving guns and other weapons. but i was wundering where should i start i mean what projects should start with so i can get to know the program without encountering manny problems.
I found out about DarkBasic Pro from a friend of mine who has the full version, he said he was going to buy me the full version soon probly next weekend and where going to work on making a huge game plan over the next few years.
he knows more about it then me but i want to get the basics started before i get the full version so i can try to catch up with him. i have exp with making textures and moddeling but verry little in writing scripts programming ect...
The most i have done is write scripts for a game called Neverwinter nights creating new spells and even working up a complicated weather system for the game. but this was the only game it felt almost completely natural when i scripted for it.
simply put i would love some people to give me suggestions on some simple things i should try to do before i get started on the 3rd person action game/ shooter.
New to DarkBasic Professional