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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / First FPS Game I've Made

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Joined: 21st Jul 2007
Posted: 21st Jul 2007 19:04
This is my first level made with FPS Creator, and as normal i did not read instructions and then run into all sorts of problems.


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Joined: 4th Nov 2006
Location: Wales
Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 02:26
Your first level was a simple room, no one puts lights down on their first they?

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Joined: 18th Oct 2004
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 04:35
Lol...I did. Well, maybe not my first test game - when I got FPSC (EA) I plopped in about two dozen entities, tested it, thought it looked terrible and placed a light...and it still looked terrible

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 05:20
Yes i did a simply square map first, just to check out AI scripts and how the lights worked, etc.

Then i started this map, first i added the house's then the path and grass then added loads of objects (which i had to remove a lot because of frame rate), then messed about with lights, etc.

had to do a lot of triggers too, as the frame rate is not great once i added a bad guy, so bad guys are trigged now, 1 at a time.

Here's another screenshot scaled down to 640x480 from 1440x900.


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Joined: 21st Jul 2007
Posted: 22nd Jul 2007 21:10
I've made my own Path and Grass texture now, added fog, lowed amb light, so here's an updated screenshot.


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Endless Fps Team
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Posted: 27th Jul 2007 13:36
Hey you got too a great start just dont stop on that level..And keep going ill sure be a customer if you get some better indoor activity and maybe some street lights....keep going its a good game so far..

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Posted: 4th Aug 2007 17:37
Looks like a pretty nice game if its free i will definetly try it when it comes out.


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