The scripting language is simple, yes, but that also makes it simplistic. It is not powerful or flexible. As a result, custom scripting is best done to suite a need within the confines of that particular game.
In English: A script that works for one game, will not work for another, and if someone writes a script for you to accomplish a certain objective, that script may not work in your game. There are many variations from one game to another which make this so; distances, number of characters or enemies, size and configuration of rooms, placement of entities, etc. Much trial and error is required to customize the scripting to your needs.
Some things are much more clear-cut and will work in most cases. Many here will help you with those things, but the more complicated scripts and configurations will be up to you to figure out what works.
May I ask, is your game plan complete. Are your levels laid out and ready for AI, or are you just getting set up. If so, you will have plenty of time to learn and customize your scripting.
I'm sorry, my answers are limited. You must ask the right question.