Just a bit of simple game research to get an idea of how people like their games balanced. Feel free to comment. This is just really to guide me a bit with my current project. Feel free to turn it into a discussion too if you like:
Choose the most appropriate statement, or make your own comment:
1) Game difficulty ->
a. I like games to be difficult from the outset and require a lot of work to complete
b. I like games to gradually increase in difficulty and be challenging towards the end
c. I like games to be fairly easy so that I can relax and enjoy them from start to finish
2) Controlling skill elements ->
a. I like games to involve lots of skill with the controls, so that skillful people will always be better than less skillful people, and the game rewards time spent mastering the game controls.
b. I like games to have a small skill learning curve, so that the controls can be mastered in a few hours, and the playing field between players is fairly even.
c. I like games to have minimal skill requirements so that they're instantly pick-up-and-playable.
3) Ammo, Time, Health etc. Restrictions ->
a. I like games with a high emphasis on these sort of restrictions, so you have to constantly preserve and look for ammo, race against the clock and monitor your health in order to have any chance of success.
b. I like games to have these elements, but only to add a small challenge on top of the core gameplay.
c. I like games where ammo and time challenges are pretty irrelevant so I don't have to worry about them, and can concentrate on the core gameplay.
4) Gameplay Pace ->
a. I like games to be frantic throughout, requiring non-stop concentration.
b. I like games to mix-up the pace, so there are moments of frantic action mixed with slower paced moments where I can relax.
c. I like games to be relaxing and not require much effort.
5) Realism ->
a. I price authenticity and realism highly, and expect the game to behave much like it would if it was real.
b. I like realism, but I'm happy for the game to bend the rules in order to make it more fun.
c. I don't really care if that game is realistic or not, so long as it's fun.
6) Story ->
a. Game stories are extremely important, and games without story lines or poor story lines don't interest me.
b. I like a good game story, but it's not important for me to enjoy the game - it's just a bonus.
c. I couldn't care less about story lines. They never really grip me anyway.
Ok, they're the key questions I wanted to get some feedback on. As I said, feel free to just use the answers I gave, or provide your own if you want to discuss further. It's all good stuff.