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Work in Progress / [STICKY] Enhanced Audio Plugin v1.55

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Posted: 13th Nov 2008 00:04
Yeah, I just found that to use MP3s in a game you have to pay $2,500 per title if you distribute more than 5,000 copies of the game.

Found this great plugin just in time.

Alfa x
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2008 22:26
Quote: "Yeah, I just found that to use MP3s in a game you have to pay $2,500 per title if you distribute more than 5,000 copies of the game."

Do you have a link to this?, I didn't know....
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2008 23:05
Google "MP3 Royalties" and you get a lot of pages come up.

Here's the one I was reading.

DBPro Master
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2009 22:05
Quote: "Yeah, I just found that to use MP3s in a game you have to pay $2,500 per title if you distribute more than 5,000 copies of the game"

That's probably why the Unreal engine always used Ogg files.

I just downloaded v.1.55 of this DLL, first time seeing it. Looking at the audio commands for seeking, I noticed it's done in frames. Are frames always a set length in time or is there a way to determine how long (in seconds) 1 frame is so we can calculate the length in time of a song?

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2009 22:44
In my experience with this plugin ogg is way better than mp3 for looping music. For some reason mp3 leaves a pause at the beginning or end of a track, but ogg has a nice tight loop with no pause so you can make a continuous track that's 60 seconds long and loop it and the player wouldn't catch when it starts/stops.

It seems to me with this plugin there's no reason to use mp3s so let the mp3 people charge all they want!

I'm not a real programmer but I play one with DBPro!
flashing snall
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Posted: 11th Feb 2009 00:47 Edited at: 15th Feb 2009 18:05
I got a new computer awhile back, and now the plug in works great.
However, the get buffer stuff is really slow.
I have a simple 3d program, and I was going to put in some audio visuals stuff in the background, but when I put in the "result = audio get output buffer(1, BuffPtr, 4096)"
part of code, it freezes and locks up. The music goes out of control, and the program lags into oblivion

I think its just to slow.


nvm. the thing thats slowing everything down is the wait key. duh.

Wow, ive worked out a nice audio visual for a backdrop to a mini game... even if I dont end up finishing it, Ill throw the source out to you guys so you can see the wonders of this plugin.

Hmm.... I had a demo going of the game, and I sent it off to a friend using bootcamp. His computer said it couldnt run it. The error it gave was something to do with 32 bit software. We changed around the display settings alot, but nothing worked. I just tried to give it to my brother, but it gave him the same error. So we mest around with all the display settings, but nothing worked. Through some helpfull windows debug boxes, I tracked the problem to this plugin. I remmed out all the code that uses the audio plugin, and sent it off again. It works on both computers fine now.
So my question is, why? And how can I fix it so that they can have the audio plugin working?

Well, thanks to Diggsey, I have found the answer to my problems, not the fix, but the 'why'. This plug in uses SSE2 cpu extensions. Those SSE2 extensions come from the cpu itself, so if your cpu isnt new enough, this plugin doesnt work. Thats why it works on my new computer, and not my brothers computer, and why it didnt work on my old crappy one.
Is there anyway around this? (besides what Diggsey suggested which was to just cut the audio)?

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Posted: 17th Feb 2009 05:52
Yes I hope there's a way to fix this SSE2 stuff. I've been able to avoid the Enhancements Pack stuff so far and hope to continue (I assume they are not using SSE2 but who knows...)

I'm not a real programmer but I play one with DBPro!
Sixty Squares
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Posted: 17th Feb 2009 14:21 Edited at: 17th Feb 2009 14:24
Quote: "Yes I hope there's a way to fix this SSE2 stuff."

Agreed . Awesome plugin by the way!

Wally Wombat
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Posted: 14th Apr 2009 20:40
Great plugin Torrey and much more stable than Dark Audio, which is good also.

Does anyone know how to convert the frames into seconds? what formulae should I use?

Torrey, does this version allow you to view the frequencies in the MP3 so it can be used on a vu meter?

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Posted: 30th May 2009 22:54
Any chance of adding ID3v2 support?


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