So I've recently gotten into a "Make money online" frenzy, finding lots of sites and such that claim to give you cash for certain things and whatnot. The most recent is called agloco. (see their predecessor AllAdvantage here
Basic premise is:
1. Download their little viewbar at the bottom that logs your time on the net.
2. Invite your friends to do the same (you get extra hours when they get hours)
3. Your hours get turned into "shares" which you can turn in for cash.
Scam? Pyramid thing? I dunno. I've signed up to see how it works and so far nothing's bad. The viewbar's malware free as far as I can tell and it's very unobtrusive.
If you want to sign up you can go [href=here]here
What are your thoughts?
Edit: By the way, the site's a bit slow and sometimes just doesn't load. Give it a few refreshes and it usually pulls through.
Edit again: Yes that is a referral link. I only get credit if you sign up from that link. The program is designed so I get more hours if other people sign up from my link and use the program. You can go to the main site if you want with no quarrel by me.
"I will work harder... if you ask me enough times... or give me enough coffee"
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