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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Black Tomorrow HUD

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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 04:30
Here is a preview of work in progress. I need to add a lil more transparency to the visor. but it works great.


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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 04:49
That looks sweet! I would move the visor down a smidge and make it a bit more transparent. Also, why are there jagged lines on the bottom of the visor (the white lines)?

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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 05:19
here is another with a lil more done, and not so foggy looking outa visor.


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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 05:22
the lines will be fixed. That is where the polygons meet. I have to UV Map inside of helmet as well as outside. Just takes a bit of time fer me to get it all perfect. Thanks for the critique, always helps,

Klive out
Dr Distracto
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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 05:46
I love how you incorporate the health and ammo, ect into the visor
great job
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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 05:53
And I thought about moving the helmet around a bit, but this is the best view where the crosshair lines up with the center of the visor. it looks great in game play. I am gonna finish the texturing, and add a lives display right on the visor to one side, no numerical. You will have to wait and see what I do with it.

Klive out
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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 07:28
Pretty cool, reminds me a bit of the one from E.L.E. but I like yours more. Looks more like the inside of a helmet rather than a visor.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 08:10
yea it is a helmet,,,but there is a visor screen too....
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Posted: 12th Aug 2007 01:06
Almost done.. I can not seem to get the setting to change from 99 lives. I set it to three, but it still displays 99. Any suggestions?


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Posted: 12th Aug 2007 02:14
Latest. Pretty much done eccept fer the lives need to be set to three.....


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Roger Wilco
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Posted: 12th Aug 2007 02:43
I assume that you're running a test-build and not an executable-build. All test-games automatically sets the number of lives to 99 at start, but when you build your final executable, the number of lives will be set to the value specified by you.

Also, this project looks very interesting, keep it up.
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Posted: 12th Aug 2007 02:53
Ok, thanks...that would be the problem then...So then it is done, now back to character modeling...
Robert F
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Posted: 12th Aug 2007 07:25
not to be rude, but are you going to release it cause i really like it and it can fit into this game im making right now

Robert F
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Posted: 12th Aug 2007 10:38
sorry bro...
This is a full release game, I can make you one different.
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Posted: 12th Aug 2007 17:22
Looks cool, but when you think about it you aren't going to see that much of your helmet from the inside (hopefully). For a game I guess its okay, but imagine yourself looking through a real helmet or use a hockey mask or something and you'll see what I mean - you only see the edges and the visor itself. But for a game, it's okay, and it definently looks cool

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Robert F
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Posted: 12th Aug 2007 17:54
Quote: "I can make you one different"


Robert F
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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 00:14
Hey klive, i sent you the link...oh i didnt know you knew you can make a hud...Sweet, lol

thats cool

Endless Fps Team
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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 00:18
Yea I had the same thoughts on the matter as well. I was going to keep it close to the visor, but found it looked better and worked better with HUD system. It really adds a lil something when your blasting around the levels. I want to make it so that when you get damage it will display cracks on the visor ......

As far as making another one fer anyone, I will add it to my entity pack, will be about a month away, seeing I am knee deep in character modeling right now.

Klive out
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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 11:45
this is the final HUD. i STILL NEED TO SCRIPT THE HEALTH BAR, BUT EVERYTHING ELSE IS FINISHED. I got those models, will look at them in the morning.Thanks for the input guy's..

Klive out


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Mr Makealotofsmoke
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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 12:24
man thats nice. 1 thing that i would change if i were you. I would make the hud back more. As in towards the screen more cause theres 2 much "other" and not enough visor. But its up 2 your taste

Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 13:37
okay thats exactly what ive been asking in the scripting forum.
i tried to implement a full face hud like you. some kind of a
helmet. would you be so kind and explain how youve done that or
show some scripts to achieve this option ?


yeah...thats the ticket !
pigs can fly
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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 14:44
Very nicely done
Maybe useful for Crysis-like games with Nano Suits and so on...

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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 20:36
I used 3DMAX & Photoshop CS. To make a HUD is simple, but I modeled mine. I Modeled a solid helmet shape, added a sphere with tons of poly's, put the helmet inside the sphere, did a booleen operation, leaving the sphere with a shape of a helmet inside of it. Then I deleted the poly faces where the visor was to be, added a camera, and UV mapped and texture the sphere. I rendered it at 1024x768. Opened the rendered image in PS, DID a lil magic, added images on the visor, everything on the visor has a transparancy of 18%. Saved image aS .DDS format. I used the spot for ammo title in the editor. I set it's location x=50, y=50. And that is that. I know this is a bad way of explaining how I made it, but there was a lot of work involved in this one.

Simply use an art program,1024x768 pixels, make a screen/visor area with transparancy, add any images or what ever your needs are to the image, save as .DDS format, replace any of the images in the editor with this one. That is it.
I will be adding a full face helmet to my resource pack, but it will not be ready for a month or so. Good luck,

Klive out
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Posted: 14th Aug 2007 09:41
Nice, but i think that, it takes too much of the screen up...but nice still

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Posted: 14th Aug 2007 10:58
it really don't take too much of the screen, I have tested it out and it works great. You must remember that where ever you look this hud follows, it is just as if you were wearing a helmet, and the HUD SYSTEM works great. Almost every FPS has the same look, a gun, hand animations, life health, etc...This breaks up that old fps and gives a new dimension to the game. Take a look at Republic Commando, the HUD System in this game rocked, or even Crysis. The hud makes a better way to splash health, ammo, and other stuff onto the screen without taking away from the game play. Now if you have no HUD, then you will have stuff all over your screen with a non realistic purpose. I guess you would have to play with it to understand.Anywho.. Thanks fer the feed back.
Seth Black
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Posted: 14th Aug 2007 14:36

Greetings. Very nice effort!


Seth Black

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Posted: 14th Aug 2007 17:36
Keeeewl! Looks like in Republic Commando. I likes.

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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 09:24
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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 20:03
I always liked the in-helmet look with Metroid Prime. As you get damaged the cracks would be cool, maybe a little blood stain as well. If you script it right you could heal the player without removing the cracks, since health-kits don't exactly fix that

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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 21:37
Great Idea! Thanks... I am gonna try to get Damage to work for the HUD visor.....But I am busy doing character models now. I released 100 custom crosshairs, which are free, you can find them in the forum Pack1 and Pack2...
Fruitless CRUNK
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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 05:13
wow Thats some nice stuff you got going on there. I really don't get into HUD's myself. Because I don't know how to make them. But thats a really nice one there.

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Butter fingers
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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 05:39
Very nice work.

With regards to damage... perhaps this would be of help?

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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 09:25
Dude..If this works the way I want..Many thanks bro.....I will not be able to test it fer a bit, cause I am looking at endless MODELS, AND STILL WORKING ON MY CHARACTER MDELS.. Thanks Butters..If you need something let me know....I do got skill....As do you..

Klive out
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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 12:31
Just a thought, but have you ever looked at the HUD used in Metroid Prime 1 and 2. That is a slightly better design. Don't get me wrong. I like your HUD, but the there is too much visor and not enough view. That is just my two cents.

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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 13:25
wow that looks great, amazing I really have to say nice hud you got there.

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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 21:09
I will make a larger viewing area and less helmet for the HUD I add to my resource pack.
General powell11
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Posted: 19th Aug 2007 22:29 Edited at: 19th Aug 2007 22:29
thats realy good i want that hud. you could put it in the lvl design comp as a priZe

Cheese Cake
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Posted: 19th Aug 2007 23:29
He already said thats for his game.
General powell11
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Posted: 20th Aug 2007 05:00
I will make a new one to add to the prizes if you need something?
Squelchy Tom
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Posted: 26th Aug 2007 01:08
nice one klive :0, how did you make the visor transparent and what program did you use to create the visor? :0

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