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FPS Creator X10 / X10 Goes Egyptian

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2007 21:38
If that is the power of DX10 how will dx20 be?
Every time I see X10 screeenshots I want it more and more.
Hopefully it will come out soon.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2007 21:57

She looks smoking hot dude.
Are her eyes moving in the melee movie, or am I seeing things?

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Posted: 4th Oct 2007 02:55 Edited at: 4th Oct 2007 02:57
Thanks! It seems like things just keep looking better and better with each new beta.

Quote: "Are her eyes moving in the melee movie, or am I seeing things?"

Nah it's just an illusion, it's the specular highlight dancing across the eyes as she turns her head, makes it look like the eyes are moving.

Some of these characters DO have extra bones for mouth (or bosom) animation - but that's the extent for now. Yes melee will be a big part of this pack too - for all the characters.

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Ross tra damus
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Posted: 8th Oct 2007 12:36 Edited at: 8th Oct 2007 12:42
Another great character and the lighting fx also looking cool.

Top notch stuff Bond1, keep it coming.

All the best of luck.
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Posted: 8th Oct 2007 13:51
One, thing. Why doesn't the hands on the characters have proper fingers? Otherwise great job Bond!

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Posted: 8th Oct 2007 21:39
Quote: "One, thing. Why doesn't the hands on the characters have proper fingers?"

Saves polygons, is easier to create and animate with the basic bone structure? It's not really that significant thing.
Jon Fletcher
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Posted: 11th Oct 2007 00:55
holy tap dancing Christ! that last image if brilliant, is that with the normal character shader or have you done something (there's something about it that just looks so cool!)

these last characters you've created, you have really mastered in normal mapped faces, they just look so cool!

bond1 ftw.

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Posted: 11th Oct 2007 16:21
Thanks, no there is nothing special going on with the shader. Funny you should mention it though, I used to play with the values in the shader to get different results, but this is just the default values. I spent a lot more time with the spec map though.

Jon, I sent you an email too.

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Posted: 12th Oct 2007 01:39
Looks great with the 1st post but i must say the feet look out of proportion! (big foot) sorry for the C&C but it's been bugging me!

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Posted: 12th Oct 2007 04:19
Im a bit slow.

Fantastic. You are talented thats for sure.
Big congratulations!!!

Orrion Carn
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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 01:03
I can't get the cleo video to work... I try and play it and it just plays the audio... What update do I need or what do I do to get the video to work?

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 02:22
Quote: "What update do I need or what do I do to get the video to work?"

You need the divx codec. Or if you can download it in wmv format here:

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 03:04
Oh, cool. Thanks. Can't wait to see it.

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Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 08:04 Edited at: 30th Oct 2007 08:35
Hey Bond1,
Is there any chance we can use the skeleton from this pack (melee animations) for our own meshes?
You know, like TGC let everyone use the stock FPSC animations that Bullshock offered in ms3d.
Not that any of my meshes or textures can compare to yours, but it's just that I need specific characters with melee and that would make it a lot easier.
If not, then could you recommend someone who could create an animated skeleton with several melee attacks and defenses. (I know you are to busy for side work.)

Quote: "just to clarify, these are segments from Model Pack 8, and the characters are mine."

Dang it! I was ready to buy that pack too, but then I didn't see any of the characters in the screen shots.
Thats when I came back and re-read the thread and saw that statement in the above quote.
Don't get me wrong, I love your work and the segments look outstanding, but I am more interested in the melee skeleton.
So, will these characters be offered to the public, or are they retained for your personal use?
The thread is giving the impression that they will be included in X10, but I can't find where it says that exactly.

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 16:19 Edited at: 30th Oct 2007 16:35
Hi Conjured - sorry I guess I should have been clearer. Yes these characters will be released as a pack, along with a few new weapons too, in all probability before the end of the year - for both X10 and the X9 versions of FPSC. After the segment-based Egyptian pack was released, Rick Vanner contacted me and said a character based egyptian pack would be a nice complement to it.

Melee will be included, although honestly I don't know how involved it will be. I'm guessing it will be mostly a "run up to the player and slash" sort of deal. Maybe updates down the road will make it more sophisticated though.

I will release the biped animation files used for all the melee after this pack is released, just like I did for the zombies in model pack4, so users that have the inclination can use them for their own characters too.

And here's a pic of the latest character: the pharaoh. He rules his people harshly.

I will release the biped animation files used for all the melee after this pack is released, just like I did for the zombies in model pack4, so users that have the inclination can use them for their own characters too.

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 17:44
Oh my that looks great!

Jon Fletcher
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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 19:02 Edited at: 30th Oct 2007 19:05
forearm looks a bit short to me, other than that, the face is f'ing brilliant


legs maybe a bit too thin and not far enough apart, follow the body down from the chest, and its quite noticeable where he turns into a woman

notice the torso is wider than the entire width and gap of the legs.

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 19:36
Yeah I think you're right about the forearms, I never noticed it before. The calves are a little thin, but I was trying really hard for a sligthly frail older man look, to get away from the uber-buff look that all male characters seems to have - with slightly sagging pecs, etc. But I think the calves could use a little more shape.

I should balance my texturing time better, I always spend about 75% of my time on the head, and 25% on everything else.

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Ross tra damus
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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 20:25

That pharaoh character is looking absolutely stunning but then again so do all the other characters I'v seen so far.

Top notch work, keep it up.

Ps...I know that you are very busy but I thought I might make a suggestion. I was thinking about 3 more characters that would really put the icing on the cake with this 'character set' and help make it a bit more usable outside of an egyptian themed type game.
Here are my suggestions:
A 'sobek' character with the 'crocodile' head.
A 'sekhmet' character with a 'lion' head.
A reptilian character with a open hooded 'cobra' snake head.

I just thought that these 'along with Annubis' would go well as creatures for all kinds of games.

All the very best of luck.
Orrion Carn
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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 21:37
Dude, what program did you use to make that??? I need to know!!!

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 21:55
True skill come from program not, true skill come from artist yes That was my awful Yoda impression

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 23:07
FPSCX10 and DX10 is so beautiful !!!

Damned ! My computer is not compatible with DX10...

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Posted: 31st Oct 2007 09:50 Edited at: 31st Oct 2007 09:58
Bond1, he looks awesome. (I think the forearms only look short because of his outfit-optical illusion)
By biped you mean those 3dmax files, right?

I guess I am going to have to break down and buy that program too.
Milkshape is nice, but if one wants a job in the industry then they really need to know 3dmax.
The only way I could afford it is by getting the student version, but then I couldn't make anything commercial with it.
I'm really assuming that though, because I have never read the license agreement for the student version of 3dmax.

Quote: "Yes these characters will be released as a pack, along with a few new weapons too, in all probability before the end of the year - for both X10 and the X9 versions of FPSC. After the segment-based Egyptian pack was released, Rick Vanner contacted me and said a character based egyptian pack would be a nice complement to it."

Kewl, I'll get them both when the character pack is released.

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Posted: 31st Oct 2007 14:28
Yeah by biped I mean the animation format used by 3ds Max's character studio. I DO have a milkshape exporter around here somewhere, but I think I'd be better off leaving the conversion to someone more familiar with milkshape.

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Posted: 1st Nov 2007 20:52 Edited at: 1st Nov 2007 20:55
Bond1 tell me VERY truthfully, is X10 that good? or is it FPSC with better graphics and a few new features? I'm looking for something that can do almost everything Q4 can do excepting vehicles, alternate firing modes and melee characters with ranged attacks.
P.S. Do is there weapons physics yet? The characters weapons seem to have them?

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Posted: 1st Nov 2007 23:58
If you look carefully in the new intro video, you can see the weapons do have physics. When a character dies, the weapon drops from their hand. You can also see that when a character dies from an explosion, the weapon seems to fly across the ground as well as the character. I would like to know the truth about how good X10 is as well. It's starting to look like a new kind of Gears of War now.
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2007 00:09
Seeming and being are very different, advertising of any kind always is built to make the product look good (obv). I think they might have weapon physics on the dead characters guns, but what about the gun entities? A cool feature would be the ability to shoot weapons out of characters hands! Never going to happen through.

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Posted: 2nd Nov 2007 03:03
Quote: "Seeming and being are very different, advertising of any kind always is built to make the product look good (obv). I think they might have weapon physics on the dead characters guns, but what about the gun entities? A cool feature would be the ability to shoot weapons out of characters hands! Never going to happen through.

Yeah that would be awsome but your right that it will never happen, nice idea tho! just hope that god is on our side and is sending our thoughts to lees brains!

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Posted: 2nd Nov 2007 03:34
*The god of geeks laughs evilly*

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Posted: 2nd Nov 2007 12:06
Will this be a seperate model pack for x10?
Or is this already in x10 when ordered?

Cheese Cake.

Orrion Carn
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2007 21:25
But you guys still didn't anwser my question... WHAT PROGRAM DO I HAVE TO HAVE TO MAKE THESE GREAT MODELS?!?!

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Posted: 2nd Nov 2007 21:59 Edited at: 2nd Nov 2007 21:59
Try milkshape, 3dsmax, ac3d, anim8or. It depends on the modeller, mostly. Don't expect the program itself to make the models of this quality.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2007 02:07
Hey Mark I recieved my monthly news letter from Autodesk yesterday and it said Autodesk bought Mudbox go figure.
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Posted: 8th Nov 2007 08:10
Quote: "Hey Mark I recieved my monthly news letter from Autodesk yesterday and it said Autodesk bought Mudbox go figure"

Yeah I heard about this on the Mudbox forums a few months ago, although I think Autodesk just finalized the acquisition now.

I'm actually really excited about this, because Mudbox is basically a one-trick pony, it really needs another application to do something useful with it - like another 3d app or texturing app. So I think it will fit great into Autodesk's lineup.

I hope interoperability is improved, using obj to move between apps just seems sloppy. What I HOPE will happen is that there is some type of plugin to shuttle models between 3ds max and Mudbox. Like when I'm done sculpting in Mudbox, press a button that says "send to max" and it will automatically place it in the current max scene, with the option of smart polygon reduction to keep things nice and fast. Because I usually model hard surfaces, armor, etc. using subdivision separately from the "organic" parts, it would be cool to have this type of workflow.

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Posted: 25th Nov 2007 02:59
Awesome animations, Bond!!!!! However, if you don't mind, I have a little constructive critisicm. I think cleo's attacks should be a little faster. FAST LIKE A COBRA!!!!! The type of dagger she uses is made to be extremely fast. It's called a scye or sci or tsy or something, I dunno how to spell it, only pronounce it. Also, does it really make sense to have her boobs jiggle when she walks, but not when she attacks? Oh, who cares about sense, just make her boobs jiggle!!!

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Posted: 25th Nov 2007 06:10 Edited at: 25th Nov 2007 06:15
WARNING MALE CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I'm going to take the muature way of this(even though I don't want to). Makeing here @#1$s jiggle really makes the game more real. Also making her #%&*!s jiggle is really cool, I mean every man wants to see some @#$%@ jigglen action in a game. Besides fighting along side with the main carectors girl and waching her @##$!s jiggle is really real and Aiko is getting.....well..... BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted: 25th Nov 2007 09:53
Yes I agree as I'm working on these characters that the melee animations need to happen very fast to be effective. When a character gets all up in your grill, you can't be waiting around for a long drawn out attack, it needs to be short and fast I think.

There will be jiggling on the melee too, no implants on MY women.

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Posted: 25th Nov 2007 18:39
I have some custom female characters in my game.
I suppose I'll need the animation re-done to include jiggle now! LOL

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Posted: 5th Dec 2007 07:51
Quote: "Another update - here is one of pharaoh's bodyguard. Nothing fancy about the screenshots, but notice just how good the lighting is from the latest beta, you can really notice the direction of the light source.

He'll be holding an egyptian battle axe eventually."

isnt that the same one as before or is my broser stufing up again no great job on the modles Awesome!!!!!!

boom headshot!!!
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Posted: 5th Dec 2007 08:02
Quote: "Ps...I was thinking about 3 more characters that would really put the icing on the cake with this 'character set'"

i also thought you could make a slave/pessant type that nose no real attacks to run arround helplessly if you pull out a weapon in a market scean ect

boom headshot!!!
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Posted: 15th Dec 2007 09:21 Edited at: 15th Dec 2007 09:22
If anyone wants to see a preview of how the melee will work on these characters, take a look here:

Now imagine how cool it will look in X10, from the previous screenshots, and also ragdoll deaths! Plus, in X10, the character actually drops his weapon when he dies, and depending on the force of the blast, the sword will go spinning across the floor!

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Posted: 19th Dec 2007 09:50
One word...incredible!

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Posted: 21st Dec 2007 00:34
Sweet bond

any updates on the fantasy pack

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