Here's something I posted a moment ago about the same thing lol
Here is an example that show you can use sprites or images, and yes you can use bitmap art you just need to define an area for each object like I have done in this example:
sync on
cls rgb(255,0,0)
get image 1,0,0,50,50
cls rgb(0,255,0)
get image 2,0,0,50,50
cls 0
x=rnd(250) : y=rnd(400)
x2=rnd(250)+300 : y2=rnd(400)
if mouseclick()=1 and area(mousex(),mousey(),x,y,x+50,y+50)=1 then x=rnd(250) : y=rnd(400)
if mouseclick()=1 and area(mousex(),mousey(),x2,y2,x2+50,y2+50)=1 then x2=rnd(250)+250 : y2=rnd(400)
sprite 1,x,y,1
paste image 2,x2,y2
FUNCTION area(px,py,l,t,r,b)
if px>l and px<r and py>t and py<b then res=1 else res=0
The code isn't too great but it gives you an idea of how to do collision detection that isn't dependent on sprites (the cursor isn't a sprite).
FUNCTION area(px,py,l,t,r,b)
if px>l and px<r and py>t and py<b then res=1 else res=0
The function takes the mouse position (px,py) and checks to see if this is inside the perimeter of the object (left,top,right,bottom), "res" is what is returned: if the mouse is inside the box the result is TRUE and res=1, if the mouse is outside the box it is FALSE and will return a 0.
Your signature has been erased by a mod because it was rubbish.