That segment looks good dude, keep it up. You said you're taking requests, well I got some.
As far as segments go, it would be cool to have a room with wood flooring, and wood walls that look as if the room is in construction, with some holes in the walls and stuff like that. Also, some brick walls that look cracked or damaged that can be broken through with a rocket launcher or a melee weapon or something. Also, a building with red bricks for the outside walls, and some kind of wallpaper for the inside walls. Then an underground segment, not like a cave or sewer, but just a concrete or stone segment.
For entities, maybe some school stuff like desks with etched in messages for horror games. And a chalkboard with a message on it as well. Also for levels taking place in a mall or something. Make some variations of manequins, cloths racks, skateboards, guitars, make a dressing room segment, shoes, some hardware, anything that would be in a store. And maybe some manequin debris, like a manequins head, body, L&R arms and legs.
Thats all I have for now, I'll probably come up with more later.
Looks great, keep it up.
P.S. Will this pack or your first model pack work with FPSC MP5?
Troy Chambers