His game is looking pretty good...
But in my opinion not good enough for Best of the Best.
Most of the people that are selected now...
have spend alot of time and effort in their game\demo.
Darimc just started compare to the ones that are listed.
But i am not saying that his game doesnt look any good...
i am just saying that it takes alot of time for making a "Best of the Best" title.
But his game is looking good...so who knows...
Maybe his game will be selected.
I would like to make a title in this list.
Wouldnt be that easy but still...
I think its funny when you see your own game in a list
for the "Best" game.
Anyway great job! To the ones that are on the list.
You deserved it all.
And hope you will make even better titles.
Cheese Cake.