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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / FPSC's Most Haunted

Robert F
User Banned
Posted: 24th Aug 2007 01:24 Edited at: 24th Aug 2007 04:53
im thinking about making a game of just puzzles and scary stuff, but no enemys, like just a game to try to freak you out, but i dont want to make it unless anyones gonna play it, i only have some screens of the first level right now but will have more coming soon

I plan on making about 5 levels, but remember there is no story, they are just levels that try to scare you

there will be a:

if anybody has any ideas on what the 4th and 5th level should be tell me

no i did not quit making the k.o. i just thought this would be a good idea

screen attached----should i make it darker and less lit up

Robert F


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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 01:28
Looks really nice

Slipknot Rules
Robert F
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 02:12
@butyouman- Thanks Alot

what looks scarier this pic or the first one, i really need to know people

Robert F


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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 02:18
The second 1

Slipknot Rules
Robert F
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 02:23
ok thank you

Robert F
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 02:39 Edited at: 24th Aug 2007 02:39
I totally disagree. The first one has some quality light mapping. THe second looks too dark and amateur.

Not being able to see is scary. But not all the time. There's no fun in wandering around complete darkness, when you've modelled the room so nicely. I say, use the first lighting, and make it scary using sound, or some other stimulii

Robert F
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 03:01
ok thanks everybody but i think im gonna wait till one more person leaves a comment about it before i decide

Robert F
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 03:23 Edited at: 24th Aug 2007 03:24
I agree with butters , if you have a game and you can't see a thing.
The game will be just boring to play , and it's going to look stupid.
So if you are going for a scary game try to use scary music or sounds like butters alredy said .
Make things that player don't expect to happened...
Like you are running in a long tunnel and a little girl scream behind you. Well that will freak me out.

-Best , Olga
Robert F
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 03:39
alright i will go with butters and oleg, thanks alot guys, more screens coming soon

Robert F
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 03:52
First one can be very scary if you have some spooky music, weird voices talking to you at random points, maybe some ghostly images. Very nice room, btw.

Robert F
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 04:28

Robert F
Robert F
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 06:28
sorry guys, i wont be able to work on this game until after tuesday, i will be on the forums but cant work on the game, leave me something to read

Robert F
Mr Kohlenstoff
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 17:54
The first screenshot looks brilliant. So it's just supposed to be simply a "run-look-and-be-frightened-of-what-could-happen-in-such-a-situation"-Game? To be honest, imho that sounds a bit boring.. you should at least implement some scripts then (I think that's possible in FPSC.. right? ), and maybe "passive" enemies, so just some scary characters coming out of a door and walking through the room when the player wants to open it...

Robert F
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 17:56

Robert F
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Posted: 24th Aug 2007 18:50
Quote: "So it's just supposed to be simply a "run-look-and-be-frightened-of-what-could-happen-in-such-a-situation"-Game? To be honest, imho that sounds a bit boring."

Think of it like a ghost train

Can't wait to see how this one turns out.

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Pus In Boots
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Posted: 27th Aug 2007 22:52
This is so weird. I was considering a game loosely based on the Most Haunted series, but dropped the idea when new ones came up. Good luck!

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Posted: 28th Aug 2007 23:36
Okay, well lighting needs to be worked on and level design, diversified. Good luck and looks nice.

Robert F
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Posted: 28th Aug 2007 23:39
ok thanks, wont be working on this for a couple of days

Robert F
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Posted: 28th Aug 2007 23:47

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Posted: 31st Aug 2007 13:37
Hey if you want to do a level that's pitch black, and only a few lights use this script, its perfect for your game, and it makes everything look more realistic in my eye too.

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