I started my first RTS project in DBP yesterday and have a few questions. First, I've made a media-free version of it to post here.
REM Project: rts
REM Created: 7/7/2007 3:32:34 PM
REM ***** Main Source File *****
set display mode 1024,768,32
sync on
sync rate 60
`Show when loading
sync : center text screen width()/2, screen height()/2, "Loading" : sync
`Global variables and constants
#constant TRUE 1
#constant FALSE 0
cam = 1
camSpeed# = 2.5
camSpeedFast# = 5
global camX# = 0
global camY# = 50.0
global camZ# = 0
make camera cam
position camera cam,camX#,camY#,camZ#
rotate camera cam,35,0,0
make matrix terrainMat,terrainSizeX,terrainSizeZ,80,80
`Temperary units
dim unit(maxUnits)
dim selected(maxUnits)
dim targetX(maxUnits)
dim targetZ(maxUnits)
dim speed#(maxUnits)
dim marker(maxUnits)
for i=0 to maxUnits
`Make unit
if (i<((maxUnits/2)+1))
make object cube unit(i),6
make object cube unit(i),3
position object unit(i),rnd(200),0,rnd(200)
yrotate object unit(i),180
fix object pivot unit(i)
targetX(i)=object position x(unit(i))
targetZ(i)=object position z(unit(i))
`Make "selected unit" marker
make object sphere marker(i),10
color object marker(i),rgb(100,100,155)
position object marker(i),object position x(unit(i)),object position y(unit(i)),object position z(unit(i))
ghost object on marker(i)
hide object marker(i)
next i
`Main loop
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
set cursor 0,0
print "Screen FPS: "+str$(screen fps())
`Move camera
camX#=camera position x(cam)
camY#=camera position y(cam)
camZ#=camera position z(cam)
zMouseMove# = mousemovez()
camY# = camY# - zMouseMove# / 50
camZ# = camZ# + zMouseMove# / 50
position camera cam,camX#,camY#,camZ#
if (mousex()<16) then position camera cam,camX#-camSpeed#,camY#,camZ# `Left
if (mousex()>screen width()-16) then position camera cam,camX#+camSpeed#,camY#,camZ# `Right
if (mousey()<16) then position camera cam,camX#,camY#,camZ#+camSpeed# `Up
if (mousey()>screen height()-16) then position camera cam,camX#,camY#,camZ#-camSpeed# `Down
if (mousex()<16 and mousey()<16) then position camera cam,camX#-camSpeed#,camY#,camZ#+camSpeed# `Up-left
if (mousex()<16 and mousey()>screen height()-16) then position camera cam,camX#-camSpeed#,camY#,camZ#-camSpeed# `Down-left
if (mousex()>screen width()-16 and mousey()<16) then position camera cam,camX#+camSpeed#,camY#,camZ#+camSpeed# `Up-right
if (mousex()>screen width()-16 and mousey()>screen height()-16) then position camera cam,camX#+camSpeed#,camY#,camZ#-camSpeed# `Down-right
`Select unit(s)
gosub _drawbox
`Position unit and marker ; Show marker if unit is selected
for i=0 to maxUnits
position object unit(i), object position x(unit(i)), get ground height(terrainMat,object position x(unit(i)),object position z(unit(i))), object position z(unit(i))
position object marker(i),object position x(unit(i)),object position y(unit(i)),object position z(unit(i))
if (selected(i)=TRUE)
show object marker(i)
hide object marker(i)
next i
for i=0 to maxUnits
`Set target
if (mouseclick()=2 and selected(i)=TRUE)
`Stop selected units by pressing "S"
if (keystate(31)>0 and selected(i)=TRUE)
targetX(i)=object position x(unit(i))
targetZ(i)=object position z(unit(i))
`Move selected units to their targets ; Make them stop within 1 coordinate of their target since they rarely end up exactly on target
if ((object position x(unit(i))>targetX(i)+1 or object position x(unit(i))<targetX(i)-1) and (object position z(unit(i))>targetZ(i)+1 or object position z(unit(i))<targetZ(i)-1))
point object unit(i),targetX(i),get ground height(terrainMat,object position x(unit(i)),object position z(unit(i))),targetZ(i)
move object unit(i),speed#(i)
if (object position x(unit(i))>targetX(i)+1 or object position x(unit(i))<targetX(i)-1)
point object unit(i),targetX(i),get ground height(terrainMat,object position x(unit(i)),object position z(unit(i))),targetZ(i)
move object unit(i),speed#(i)
if (object position z(unit(i))>targetZ(i)+1 or object position z(unit(i))<targetZ(i)-1)
point object unit(i),targetX(i),get ground height(terrainMat,object position x(unit(i)),object position z(unit(i))),targetZ(i)
move object unit(i),speed#(i)
next i
for i=0 to maxUnits
_mouse_click = mouseclick()
if _mouse_click = 1 and selectionFlag = 0
selectionFlag = 1
bx = mouseX()
by = mouseY()
if _mouse_click = 1 and selectionFlag = 1
bx2 = mouseX()
by2 = mouseY()
if _mouse_click <> 1 then selectionFlag = 0
if selectionFlag = 1
if bx < bx2
bx0 = bx
bx1 = bx2
bx0 = bx2
bx1 = bx
if by < by2
by0 = by
by1 = by2
by0 = by2
by1 = by
line bx0, by0, bx1, by0
line bx0, by1, bx1, by1
line bx0, by0, bx0, by1
line bx1, by0, bx1, by1
cx = object screen x(unit(i))
cy = object screen y(unit(i))
if cx > bx0 and cx < bx1 and cy > by0 and cy < by1
selected(i) = TRUE
selected(i) = FALSE
next i
function convertCoordX()
one = 1
two = 2
three = 3
four = 4
null = make vector3(one)
null = make vector3(two)
null = make vector3(three)
null = make vector3(four)
set vector3 one, 0, -1, 0
pick screen mousex(), mousey(), 1
px# = get pick vector x()
py# = get pick vector y()
pz# = get pick vector z()
set vector3 two, px#, py#, pz#
angle# = acos(dot product vector3(two, one))
cos_angle# = cos(angle#)
hypo_length# = camY# / cos_angle#
normalize vector3 two, two
scale vector3 two, two, hypo_length#
set vector3 one, camX#, camY#, camZ#
add vector3 four, one, two
convertion=x vector3(four)
endfunction convertion
function convertCoordZ()
one = 1
two = 2
three = 3
four = 4
null = make vector3(one)
null = make vector3(two)
null = make vector3(three)
null = make vector3(four)
set vector3 one, 0, -1, 0
pick screen mousex(), mousey(), 1
px# = get pick vector x()
py# = get pick vector y()
pz# = get pick vector z()
set vector3 two, px#, py#, pz#
angle# = acos(dot product vector3(two, one))
cos_angle# = cos(angle#)
hypo_length# = camY# / cos_angle#
normalize vector3 two, two
scale vector3 two, two, hypo_length#
set vector3 one, camX#, camY#, camZ#
add vector3 four, one, two
convertion=z vector3(four)
endfunction convertion
First of all, is there a way to make the unit(s) turn before moving in a direction instead of just instantly pointing in that direction?
Secondly, currently if you move multiple units at the same time, they stack on top of each other when they reach the target, thus making them hard to individually select. Can someone suggest a way to make them avoid each other. This may be hard to do because, as a solution to the fact that the units rarely reach their target down to the exact coordinate thus move back and forth in their target area, I made them stop within 1 coordinate of their target.
Thirdly, how do I make you can also select a unit simply by clicking on it? Right now, the only way is to drag a box over the unit(s) you want to select.
Finally, I'd appreciate any suggestions of a better way to write this code.
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