Alright, here's a small competition to get the "post." This is based on increments, by the way. So, here are the points, rules, some examples, etc...
10th post - 10 points
50th post - 20 points
100th post - 30 points
250th post - 50 points
500th post - 100 points
1,000th post - 500 points
32,768th post - 1,000 points
* You have to wait until someone else posts, before making another post.
* You can't post anything that would go against the AUP, or otherwise have this thread locked.
* Going against any of these rules causes your points to be "cut in half." e.g., if you have 10 points, that would be changed to 5. If you have 2000 points, that would be changed to 1000. In the event that you have a number that can't evenly be chopped in half, for example, 5, it would go to the low-end closest number, for example, 5 would become 2.
* If your post has the number 13 in it anywhere, and you received points for that post, you have to get the next points post that contains 13 in order to claim your first set of points. If you fail to do that, you can always get the next post to contain 31 to reverse your points, which may actually earn you more points. If it does earn you more points though, you'll be given a rigorous test, consisting of a treasure hunt across the globe. You'll have to find 31 items all hand-crafted by myself (you'll know them because I put my own blood in each one). Upon receiving instructions, you must find all items within one year, but the time between finding the items must be the same (there's an error of a few seconds so long as you smile). If you do find all items within a year, and have evenly spaced times between finds, your points are automatically reversed. If not, you will be brought back to the secret Island of the Posting Competition. On this island, you will be marked as having failed the test. You will then be put in the cave with the other failures. On the one year anniversary of your marking day, you will be brought out by the tribe and allowed to fight for your freedom. Winning the fight means that you will forever be free (unless you decide to try and reverse your points again, and fail a second time, in which case all of the above will be repeated, but more difficult). You will be forever marked, and possibly shunned by society.
* If you post at exactly the 11th hour of any odd dated Tuesday of an even month in a double year (e.g., 2020, 3333, etc...), your post will appear in gold. If wearing the official glasses of the Posting Competition, the gold post will transform itself, revealing the exact date and time of the next available points.
* Your 100,000th point post must make an offer to the points gods. It favors food, particularly sweets. But not store-bought, they must be home made sweets.
* Every post you make, your signature must be slightly different than the last, but not be a repeat of one of the last 20 signatures. This means that you can create 20 different signatures at the least, and interchange them. If you repeat all signatures in the same order though, your signature will be permanently changed to contain embarrassing facts about you.
A place is determined
first by point count, then by post count. So, say you have 20 points, and another person has 20 points. Technically you would be tied, however, if the other person has more posts than you, he would be one place ahead of you, and vice-versa.
Okay, say you get the 500th post award. Just because you get that award doesn't mean that you also get a 250th post award. Just to clear that up. Same as 1000th post award, you don't get a 10th, 100th, 250th, 500th, etc, award as well.
Person A got the 10th post. (Person A now has 10 points)
Person B got the 50th post. (Person B now has 20 points)
Person A got the 60th post. (Person A now has 20 points)
Person C got the 100th post. (Person C now has 30 points)
But It's So Off-Topic!
The original intention was to have people communicate about a topic and change it as necessary. This happens to an extent, but not to the degree I had hoped for. That said, it's better the way it is now.
Why Is This Thread Even Around?
A similar thread had been started, iirc, or something... I don't really remember. But that thread got locked, so I created this one. The moderators let it stay around because it effectively diverts the flow of spam from
all over the place to here.
How Do I Win?
Upon this thread becoming locked, the person with the highest amount of points who did not contribute directly to the locking.
What's The Prize
The prize is your ability to let go of your rational mind in an effort to have fun, but also the ability to turn it back on when it's necessary. If you already have that ability, then the prize is the understanding of life, the universe, and everything... which is 42. (Warning: You may have just read a spoiler!)
Nobody's Responding To Me!
Too bad. Get over it.
That Wasn't Very Nice...
Not my problem.
Is That The Kind Of Conduct You Can Expect In This Thread?
Pretty much.
Your Title Casing Is Wrong
I'm doing it on purpose to annoy
Randomness 128.
Where Is The Score Kept?
I used to keep track of the score manually, but then this thread grew out of control.
BMacZero eventually wrote a program to automatically keep tally. Something happened maybe (I don't know, I wasn't here for years) and now
Randomness 128 occasionally generates reports (most likely from some automated program).
Is It Wise To Annoy Randomness With These Messed Up Titles (question mark purposely missing, it is)
Yes! I'm sure he'll still keep tally... Maybe... (Hopefully...)
Edit: We've sacked him. He's now off on the Island of Posting Shame somewhere.
I'll bet no one noticed this
additional edit.
Some of this
new edit is thanks to
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