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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Time Assassin - PGPS Winter Contest Entry

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Posted: 21st Sep 2007 09:14 Edited at: 21st Sep 2007 09:16
Time Assassin

Here's my thread for the Winter Contest. After seeing the other threads for the competition and how good some people's games look already I figure I need some of these 20 points

==== Story ====

The game is set in a future where the earth has become ravaged by war. The surface of the earth has been made uninhabitable and so the people live in special bio-domes.
Funded by the United Government a group of scientists has developed a time travel device which they hope to use to change the events of the past.
From all the military applicants you were selected as the most able to carry out the task of traveling to the past and killing those responsible for starting the war in the hopes that in doing so you will change the future.
This is a one way mission. Succeed or fail there is no going back.


Here are some obligatory screen shots to keep the thread from being locked:

Please bear in mind that all my time so far has been devoted to getting everything down on paper. So what you see in these pictures is quite likely to change over the course of the contest.

I have the next few weeks off work so I hope to have a steady supply of updates.

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Posted: 21st Sep 2007 14:14
really original idea!

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Posted: 21st Sep 2007 14:44
Love the fire thingie. Reminds me of SawII

Good luck in the contest!


Phoenix Sentry Programmer
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Posted: 21st Sep 2007 16:07
Great story... should play out well.

Quote: "I have the next few weeks off work "

Man, I wish! LOL


I'm sorry, my answers are limited. You must ask the right question.

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Posted: 21st Sep 2007 20:04
Nice story. Best of luck.

Second Chairman of COZ's Productions.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2007 20:23
Like the story, you should maybe edit the rexture to be scifi glove instead of a bare hand it doesnt really fit the story.

FPSC BOTB Developer
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2007 04:51
I really like the pipe in the background on the 1st shot, works very well from my point of view.
Good luck on this one!!

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Posted: 11th Oct 2007 08:04
Quote: "I have the next few weeks off work so I hope to have a steady supply of updates.

Yes... so it turns out I didn't have as much free time while off work as I thought I was going to, so updates have been going alot slower than planned. I do hope to have some new screenshots up tomorrow of the first level which is now finished.


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