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2D All the way! / Breakout Pong code like NES Pinball bonus

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Joined: 9th Jun 2003
Location: California
Posted: 9th Jun 2003 11:27 Edited at: 10th Jun 2003 17:15
I working on a 1-player pong style version of breakout. Does anyone know if one exists already or if there is a tutorial for a game?

The code I am playing with is below.

It still doesn't do a few things I want like have Mario walk back and fourth carring the pong board instead of sliding, and have the fireball rotate and have a transparent background. I haven't put in the breakout blocks yet and was wanting suggestion on how best to do that or with help on anything in the code. If you want the bitmaps I am using you can get them at or email me at

If you can help or have any suggestion reguarding the above code and things I want to do with it please let me know. I will gladly return the favor if I can.

Thanks to for the original solo pong code on which my game it based.

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Joined: 9th Jun 2003
Location: California
Posted: 10th Jun 2003 17:17
Sorry, I didn't include the code Snippet before. It is now in the above post.

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Joined: 18th Jul 2003
Location: United States
Posted: 19th Jul 2003 05:49
To do the bricks, you could store the coordinates in a data structure and load them into arrays. I'm just thinking off the top of my head, though. Hope it at least gives you an idea. You would also have to consider the states you want your bricks to have, like in some breakout clones after you hit the brick once it would change color and such. After the second hit it would disappear. I'm just babbling, though. Maybe (and I know there most definitely is) there is a coder out there who could help you better than I have.

Chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga CHOOO CHOOOOOO!!!!

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