Try this out:
desc = Door Locked until Activated
;End of Script
Save that .fpi script in your scriptbank, and use it as the "Main" ai for your door.
Now, you'll need to alter the entity's fpe file (the entity you want to unlock the door when it dies), which will be located in the entitybank folder. So, for the sake of getting your entity back, make a copy of their .fpe file and add "_original" to the end of the copy's name. Now edit the one that hasn't changed in name, and add this line to their ai section:
ifused = [Name of Door to be unlocked]
Now when you put the entity down, go into it's properties menu and change their "Destroy" ai script to "destroy/destroyandactivate.fpi"
Now, when you destroy the entity, the door becomes and autodoor. Or, that's the theory, at least. Lol
Try it out and let me know if you got it to work. I haven't tested it, but the scripting sounds like it outta work.
The one and only,
In Soviet Russia, road forks you!
Mom: I may not be the alpha and omega, but I can sure as hell be yours!