As a few here might know, i'm a hobby musician. I recently bought a new sound card and a line mixer thingy (which also works as an external sound card). Both have the newest driver, both "work properly" as said in the device manager list.
Problem is, i can't record any sound with any of them. The properties of the internal sound card lists 0 (zero!) recording devices. I can't even open the recording devices window on the external one, it says "There is a problem with your sound hardware. To install mixer devices, go to control panel, click printers and other hardware, and then click Add hardware".
I checked in the device manager list for the mixer devices my computer seems to miss so much. They are present in all 3 sound cards, built-in, internal and the external one.
Oh dear, i bought the equipment for the sole purpose of getting better recording quality than i would have gotten from the built-in sound card. I can easily play music trough them, but when it comes to recording, they just sit there, looking at me like i'm some sort of a crazy person.
To summarize; I can record on the crappy built-in card, can NOT record on the (supposedly) good devices. Tried several different drivers, didn't help. The app i use to record sound also says it doesn't detect any recording devices.
I don't really know what to try now. Any help would be appreciated. Don't be afraid to suggest something obvious, who knows what i might have overlooked.
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