Until around two years ago, I used to use a lazy method to translate some words to English. I do not know if it has a name. It is based on the similarity between English and Portuguese, and English language patterns.
In Portuguese, definitely is written this way:
So, with that lazy method, I would delight you all with:
But I ceased to be lazy.
I do not care if people have an horrible English. Not just because mine is horrible. I just do not care. But some Portuguese errors manage to annoy me.
An important piece of my English I learn in forums - movies, music and video games are the other teachers
But learning Portuguese in Brasilian forums is almost impossible. We speak too much Internetish and "Miguchês" (Dearcutefriendish):
Olá. Não entendi o que você disse hoje mais cedo. (Hello. I did not understand what you said today earlier.)
olá. num entendi o q vc disse hj + cedo. (Internetish)
oiêeee111! naum tindi u q voxXxê dixXxe hj +++ xeduu! (Miguchês, which is spoken at photo-based blogs)
Almost all of the members of this forum moderate themselves very well, so mistakes are perfectly forgiveable, in my humble opinion.
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein