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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] Band of Brovaz - Fight for Wecky (PGPS Winter Contest Entry)

P Tew
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Posted: 5th Oct 2007 22:28
Hi, this is my entry for the PGPS Winter Contest Entry.

It's called Band of Brovaz - Fight for Wecky, and is a grand theft auto style game set in my home town of Lincoln in England.

The story is so..... There are loads of rival gangs in Lincoln, and the whole town is on the verge of all out war. Gangs from schools are bricking your school, trashing and burning your cars beating up the students from your school(high). So the head, off record, tells you and you to infiltrate the gangs, work your way to the top, and bring them down. And when a whole gang of them beat the absolute '' out of your brother and hospital, you decide to pay a little back.

This is a late entry because I only found out about the contest last Sunday so things may be subject to change.

But, what do you think? Any and all (non abusive) comments will be extremely helpful and grateful.


Pus In Boots
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Posted: 5th Oct 2007 22:33
Quote: "(non abusive) comments"


Sounds like a cool idea. But you need a screenshot, or this'll get locked.

The Pus in Boots biography; "My awesome-tastic ego", is out now!
P Tew
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Posted: 5th Oct 2007 22:43
Ok I will, but we haven't done any level work yet because we are still planning the game out, but as soon as I have got something concrete, I'll post a screen shot.
P Tew
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Posted: 5th Oct 2007 22:44
Also, I have changed it now so that instead of just bringing down the gangs, your brother gets killed in the attack and you are looking for your brother's killer.
Seth Black
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Posted: 5th Oct 2007 22:47
P Tew,

Greetings. I'd hurry and get a screenie up right away, or this thread will be locked by a mod..


Seth Black

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Posted: 5th Oct 2007 22:50
Please repost this thread when you have a screenshot. Competition entry or not, the showcase board rules still apply.


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