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Music & Sound FX / To keep things organized;

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Posted: 17th Oct 2007 22:12 Edited at: 17th Oct 2007 22:22
We should think of a management system for this board before people start posting, and it gets super confusing.

This will not only be easier to view, but if you're looking for something specific, you can just forum search for the tag

When Posting

Put this tag in the beginning of your title if:

You have a complete track you would like to share
[New Track]

You are working on a track and would like to share

You want to talk about someone else's music/band

You would like to discuss the art of music etc.

You have composing techniques, tutorials, to share

You would like to talk about a composing program

That's what I think. Good?

Meh. Signatures. Lame :p
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Posted: 17th Oct 2007 22:17
Quote: "You have ideas for a track, or need more ideas

Dunno if it's needed... It could be in [General]...

Make games, not war.

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Posted: 17th Oct 2007 22:18
Hmm, good point, I'll get ridda that one

Meh. Signatures. Lame :p
Retired Moderator
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Posted: 17th Oct 2007 22:40 Edited at: 17th Oct 2007 22:43
I dunno, In my opinion it does the opposite. It makes it look a bit messy. Just look at the Code snippets section.

And besides... nobody will follow it. Good idea though. There are rules that need to be set like:

Do not upload copyrighted material (eg copying straight from a CD)

Do not claim somebody else's work as your own.

If you post a WIP make sure you post screenshots (jk) (well actualy post an audio file)

Upload .mp3 to keep files size to a minimum.
etc etc.

Its finally here!
Dr Manette
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Posted: 18th Oct 2007 00:19
Voice recordings are fine under this board, correct? They're not really music, not entirely sound effects, but will they be allowed? I know I will eventually want criticism on voice recordings.


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Posted: 18th Oct 2007 00:21
Quote: "Music & SFX

Yes SFX will include Voice Acting.

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Posted: 18th Oct 2007 01:04
The best thing you can do to keep things organised is make sure you have good titles! This board is less likely to attract people with software that they can't use, or can't be bothered to learn, so it should stay more sane.

Zombie 20
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Posted: 18th Oct 2007 11:30
Much agreed, I think this board will be one of the more mature ones and we'll have a grand time right guys .

Mr Makealotofsmoke
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Posted: 18th Oct 2007 12:16 Edited at: 18th Oct 2007 12:17
yer and hopefully someone wont screw it up for us

Quote: "
You have a complete track you would like to share
[New Track]

You are working on a track and would like to share

You want to talk about someone else's music/band

those maybe, but no real need for the others

Were is Our Music BOARD??????? can i be mod

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Posted: 1st Nov 2007 17:09
This may be usable.

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