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FPS Creator X10 / Some new screenies

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 15:55
Quote: "it loked fantastic!"

You are joking right? Time Shift had awful graphics, it was like playing unreal tournament 2003. It's almost like the developer started work on it 8 years ago and never bothered to use the new technologies that came out.

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 19:22
They completely re did the graphics for the newer version after they picked the project up again after it had been dropped. It used to be an entirely Steampunk theme, so they have redone the graphics entirely since they started it and I think they look great, for an x9 game at least.
But bare in mind, for the past 5 years, I have had a computer that had trouble running things like The Sims and Solitare, and now after 2 years of saving I have a high-end PC with a dual core 4ghz processor and an 8800, so anything looks fantastic compared to what I used to be limited to! xD

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 19:53 Edited at: 30th Oct 2007 19:54
Quote: "
You are joking right? Time Shift had awful graphics, it was like playing unreal tournament 2003. It's almost like the developer started work on it 8 years ago and never bothered to use the new technologies that came out."

Hmm... Timeshift isn't even out yet. Or it is but I don't see it in stores.

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Posted: 31st Oct 2007 03:12
The demo is out.

DJ Professor K
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Posted: 31st Oct 2007 10:44 Edited at: 31st Oct 2007 10:45
Quote: "You are joking right? Time Shift had awful graphics, it was like playing unreal tournament 2003. It's almost like the developer started work on it 8 years ago and never bothered to use the new technologies that came out."

Timeshift was a project that was droped due to funds and other stuff (stuff that really never got trully out), also, since when do graphics make a game?

If it's all about graphics, let's all drop FPSX10, since evan with Dx10, it won't look so good like crysis, ut3 or evan like bioshock

The concept of the game (timeshift) is unic, you haven't seen some features on any game released to date, i think timeshift is going to own, much more that games like frontlines with the latest graphics.

And Deathead, only an "old" demo with the really early beta engine got out, it has several bugs and crashes some times, but we have to accept that in beta demos, if we don't want problems with a release, all we have to do is wait for the gold version, right? ^^

Just my '2 cent'
Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 1st Nov 2007 03:03 Edited at: 1st Nov 2007 03:04
Quote: "I have the crysis demo."

Where did you get it?

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Posted: 1st Nov 2007 04:41
Whew, good question. I found it on hundreds of places and cant remember where I got it from. I think I settled with the direct stream from the EA games website. If you go to the official Crysis site it has a list of mirrors (I think). Failing that, GameSpot has it.

Greek freak
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Posted: 1st Nov 2007 08:14
If you had pre-ordered the crysis full game then you take the demo.Also try fileplanet

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Posted: 4th Nov 2007 05:25 Edited at: 4th Nov 2007 05:26
I saw little to no graphical errors in the crysis demo, there was one instance when i shot down a tree and these black lines went everywhere, but it only happened once. Also, a bottle smashed the fence, were you on strength mode?

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Greek freak
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Posted: 4th Nov 2007 16:52
I downloaded the demo for crysis (and then deleted it after trying it out). This was my problem(correct me if I am wrong): Even from the start of the intro videos and during gameplay the game was playing TOO
FAST. I mean some of the dialogues in the video were spoken so quick I couldn't follow the conversation and in the fights the player was running too fast!!! (Unless that is only the demo gameplay then I am sorry for the company that made this game)

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lil gamecreator
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Posted: 11th Nov 2007 11:18
The screenshots are showing for me! And the comments are making me jealous of those who can!

Any idea why i cannot see them?
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Posted: 14th Nov 2007 23:02 Edited at: 14th Nov 2007 23:02
@Greek Freak - what type of gpu do you have? cuz my 8800gts runs it decently and everything seems natural.

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Posted: 15th Nov 2007 16:37
Quote: "The screenshots are showing for me! And the comments are making me jealous of those who can!

Any idea why i cannot see them?"

Uh, I assume that they are not showing for you, eh?

You need to click the red "view"- button in the lower-right corner of the posts to view them.
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Posted: 15th Nov 2007 20:15
Flash, that may be something with your rig, as your description of the glitches your experiencing usually wouldn't make it to the final build of a mass project like Crysis, I'm guessing it's something with your comp, as I haven't seen anything like that in anything I've seen from Crysis.

It's kinda like when I bought Medieval Total War 2, I had all the required reqs, and yet the game was so choppy I gave up trying to play it, and after much searching, I found that other users with exactly my specs were having a blast with the game, so the error must have been on my end.

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Posted: 16th Nov 2007 01:39
Hmmm, that's strange and a bummer. I tried it again a few days ago and it worked fine, perhaps it was just a one off glitch?

fallen one
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Posted: 16th Nov 2007 17:18 Edited at: 16th Nov 2007 17:20
Can we see a shot of the most amount of depth possible in a texture with the pixel shaders.
I like to see exactly how much the surface can stand out in depth before one has to use the model to actually get the extra depth, just how much relief can one get with the pixel shaders in fpsc dx10, dont suppose they self shadow as well?

fpsc game KillTV update 22Oct.
Greek freak
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Posted: 16th Nov 2007 21:43
Quote: "@Greek Freak - what type of gpu do you have? cuz my 8800gts runs it decently and everything seems natural.

The same with you and the problem was fixed with the full release

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Clone Gaming Prouductions
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Posted: 17th Nov 2007 01:01
ahhhhhhhhhh.............. i want this so bad........... i wish that i had vista...................

Go Tarpon Spartans!
fallen one
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Posted: 17th Nov 2007 02:17
Quote: "ahhhhhhhhhh.............. i want this so bad........... i wish that i had vista..................."

Thanks for informing us about that, very usefull to us.

fpsc game KillTV update 22Oct.
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Posted: 17th Nov 2007 17:49 Edited at: 17th Nov 2007 18:01
Quote: "Can we see a shot of the most amount of depth possible in a texture with the pixel shaders.
I like to see exactly how much the surface can stand out in depth before one has to use the model to actually get the extra depth, just how much relief can one get with the pixel shaders in fpsc dx10, dont suppose they self shadow as well?"

As a general rule I'll normal map anything that needs to "bump" out from a surface about an inch or less. Any more than that and I'll model it in. But it all depends on your angle of view, you could get away with more depth probably on a surface that will be seen from no more than a 45 degree angle.

This is a character I recently finished. The chains, lines on the face, bumpy skin - all normal mapping. None of that detail exists on the diffuse texture at all, it's simply green, or in the case of the chain, metal colored. Notice on the chain on the chest, how the light source is originating from the right hand side of the screen, and realistically shading the links on the chain, I think this is a dramatic example of how the shaders can suggest a complex object like a smooth-link chain.

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fallen one
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Posted: 17th Nov 2007 20:48
That model looks great Bond1, I remember a fantasy pack, 2 I think being posted, been wondering about those. Ive always wanted to do a fantasy pack, and watching Ridley Scotts Legend today on UK TV has made me want to do a sword and sorcery game even more.
A great test of how much depth can be achieved is a brick wall segment, then trying to get the bricks the greatest depth possible, Im interested in how far they can stick out.

Like this here.

fpsc game KillTV update 22Oct.
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Posted: 17th Nov 2007 21:11
Oh that really deep parallax mapping, where the closer bricks will actually obscure the further bricks when looking at an angle. Yeah that's a really convincing effect that keeps the illusion better at steep viewing angles.

I know it's been added for weapons, don't know about environments though.

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Black Rebel Heart
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 07:18
Why does this clone the flak cannnon from UT?

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 07:29
It may not be "cloning", but more like inspired by it. Of course it could be that it just happens to look similiar to it.

I'm not complaining, it's a nice model with detail!
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Posted: 25th Nov 2007 00:53
WOW, thats pritty flipn awsome people. Love the new characters! one question, will the alien, cyclops, and the brute looking thing come with the X10 program? or are those just models they're using to show off the new engine.


And good job guys You've really impressed me with this new and improved program. Im without a doubt gonna buy it.

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