I need some help resizing the background for the menu of my FPS game.
I found it didn't look that good in the first place at 1024x768 and when I saw the 2048x2048 (or whatever it was) DarkAI demo load screen I was wondering if it is possible to resize a large image to fit the screen.
I'd just use my native 1680x1050 resolution but I'm planning on giving the game to some friends and I doubt they all have 22" monitors.
I haven't had much luck yet.
This is the code I currently use.
backdrop off
Load Image "images\menu.jpg",1,1
paste image 1,0,0
This is the code I tried to use but which doesn't do anything but display a black screen.
load bitmap "images\menu.jpg",1
copy bitmap 1,0,0,bitmap width(1),bitmap height(1),0,0,0,screen width(),screen height()
delete bitmap 1 : get image 65432,0,0,1024,768
It actually looked better at 800x600 even though I could see even less on the screen.