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FPS Creator X10 / What's with this accuracy?

Black Terror
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2007 01:11
Seriously, I think it is terrible that no matter what gun you have, or how much your shooting, you can shoot in the same spot without the screen/cross hair moving. Maybe you guys like how it works as is, but in my opinion I think the camera and/or cross hair should move as the player shoots. How about a bit more realism and action?

BTW: I am not trying to criticize FPSC X10, it is amazing.

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2007 01:16
Did you mean recoil? Yeah, it'll sure add realism to our games and make it a bit more challenging.
Black Terror
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2007 01:19
Yes, thats the word I was looking for. FPSC games are hard to make challenging and I think this would really help!

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Squelchy Tom
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Posted: 4th Nov 2007 21:17
i agree, possibly they will update it in later.
Me Self
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Posted: 11th Nov 2007 06:24
you can go into edit mode you guys probably want animated cursors well i don't think thats in yet.

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Black Terror
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Posted: 11th Nov 2007 13:55
It doesn't support animated cross heads and that still wouldn't move the head/camera, it would only move the cross hair.

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Posted: 11th Nov 2007 14:34
i don't think dark basic supports tilting camera although that could have been changed in the X10 version of dark basic
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Posted: 11th Nov 2007 19:28
Quote: "i don't think dark basic supports tilting camera although that could have been changed in the X10 version of dark basic"

What do you mean? Yeah you can tilt the camera.

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Posted: 11th Nov 2007 23:03
i don't have it its just what i heard
AJinx Team
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Posted: 11th Nov 2007 23:27
Yeah - recoil is a top priority in my opinion if you want to stay in line of other current FPS games.
Dr Parsnips
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Posted: 12th Nov 2007 23:21
Yeah its what makes the fpsc games look a bit naf, i mean dnt get me wrong, great engine but without recoil you kinda feel a bit cheated when playing the game made by it.

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Posted: 12th Nov 2007 23:29
The games are so easy as it is..... this would add a new element, and would also take away some attention from brain dead AI.

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