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Music & Sound FX / The Freesound Project (Awesome free fx!)

Matt Rock
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Location: Binghamton NY USA
Posted: 3rd Nov 2007 22:49
I'm not sure if anyone has posted about this yet, but searches came up dry, so on with a new thread:

While searching the net for Tibetan Chants earlier today, I came across a website that's simply too awesome not to share with everyone. The site is The Freesound Project, and is sort of like the Wikipedia of royalty free sound effects and music. The site names every artist who developed stuff, and provides easy methods for contacting them. What's better still, the site actually keeps track of all of your downloads, so if you use a track in your game but forget who the author was, you're just a quick search away from offering proper credit . You have to register (for free) and become a member to download the tracks, but it's totally worth it in my opinion. Thought some of you might want to check this out!

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Location: Norway
Posted: 4th Nov 2007 20:35
Correction: It's only for sounds and not music.

Great site, by the way.
Into Darkness
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Posted: 4th Nov 2007 20:38
Wow, bookmarked.

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Retired Moderator
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Posted: 5th Nov 2007 21:11

Please have mercy and use the search function.
Matt Rock
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Joined: 5th Mar 2005
Location: Binghamton NY USA
Posted: 6th Nov 2007 13:07
Glad everyone likes it . I can't tell if this is just a general sound effects site for any purpose, or if it's directly aimed at a specific media-related industry. I've found tons of Atari-style beeps and blips, but I haven't found any good gunfire sounds yet (I'm dying to replace some of the FPSC gunfire effects with something more realistic). Still awesome though, and just about anything I type into their search comes up with decent-to-great results .

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