figured out how to do that
Now I use this code
make object box 100,50,50,50
make object collision box 100,-25,-25,-25,25,25,25,0
hide object 100
disable object zdepth 100
and this in the loop
rem Handle sliding collision for player object with other objects
position object 100,x#,y#+50,z#
if object collision(100,0)>0
dec x#,get object collision x()
dec y#,get object collision y()
dec z#,get object collision z()
rem Update with new object position
position object 100,x#,y#+50,z#
still there is a problem
It works fine on boxes and cubes, but when I have a tree, and even a building to walk in, you will get the collision of a box
Isn't there a way to reject this so that it will only do a collision when he hits the wall???
If good programmer()=1 then print "Finaly I get to the top