Yeah, after I made that cake, I got working on some more models to work on my texturing skills and such (I really suck at texturing) after about 4+ hours I got this stuff
This pack has
*Tetris L block
*Tetris O block
*Tetris Z block (Texture got messed up, no idea why)
*Tetris T block
*Tetris I block
(I am not sure if I got all the colors right, so used wikipedia, but still it may not be right)
And it also has
*That cake
*'Trespassers will be shot' sign
*Phone pole
*Weird computer thing (Texture = bad)
*The blue style box (I was playing with different ways of texturing things)
*A wooden Barrel (A big one at that)
Well, I hope you enjoy these if you find any use for them, use them for anything you want
(No installer, I think if you can't install the model you don't need to have it)
Just extract the .rar and put the folder 'ilikehl2' into your 'entitybank' folder, the objects will appear under 'ilikehl2' in your First person shooter creator entity menu
Any comments are welcome, also if anyone can help me find a free modeling program that can animate, or any texturing tutorials with Paint shop pro 9 that would be great, thanks.
I don't need something as silly as this