Quote: "First off, I said you will need a new script, because you need to get rid of all those weapon references.
Second, you have to learn the basics of FPI scripting ...
...is all wrong.
You should never have more than two (2) colons per state.
What is it exactly that you want your ghost to do?
Maybe I can help you on a new script, if it is not too complicated."
Sorry about that. As I said before, I am totally new to scripting. This is my first time ever even attempting to script something.
Basically, I want the enemy to be transparent like a ghost and inflict damage when the player comes in contact.
If this is possible, I would also like it to be able to move and attack like a normal enemy. Lastly, I would like it to be a non-solid (able to pass through it).
I have seen all of these done in other posts separately, but when I try to script it myself all into a single script, all kinds of undesired effects take place. Missing walls, one effect gets canceled out, a complete or partial absence of all entities or segments,the enemy is knocked over when come in contact with, or even none of the effects take place at all
Anyway, for the most part I just need transparency, but if possible, I would like to see normal movement and attacks along with the possibility of a sort of pass-though effect.
On another note, is levitation possible? This is in no way an absolute requirement, but I would like to pull it off if it is. Basically, whatever you can help me make happen out of my requests with this script, I will be more than thankful for.
Thanks again for the help, and sorry if I am difficult. I am just so new to this.
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