Quote: "Yeah right, you'd turn this place into Lord of the Flies within a week if you were made a mod. Seriously you have no freakin clue as to what myself or any other mod do, so stop surmising. If I'm a bit short when locking a post then as long as that puts people off making complaint posts I'm happy, less complaint posts we have to lock. Did you think that maybe locking a post is often the most considerate action, the alternative is just deleting them - then we'd have 'Where'd my post go' threads all over the place."
I doubt we'll ever know, cause it's highly unlikely I'd ever be a mod. Although a few months back remember asking Daniel if he could use his new found power to make me one for a week to see everyones reactions.
Although yeah, I can see your point about locking to prevent the whole "where did my thread go" .. I think there should be something that after a week of a thread being locked it just gets deleted or even better the thread is deleted and have a special forum area that lists recent thread deletions with reasons to why.
Reserving locking for threads that were useful to begin with then slowly decended into anarchy. This said it could
all be avoided with a PM system available so that when a thread is locked or deleted, that person automatically recieves the reason and can discuss the matter in private like the mods keep suggesting is done.
Quote: "Quit crying.Seems like people that complain like you only do so because you are a FREQUENT rule breaker and don't wish to recogize any type of authority.I see this quite often."
Everyone who complains is entirely because I "break" the rules?
Apart from that being a ridiculously stupid comment, it is a bit rich coming from you.
You still moderating outside of the FPSC forum? Or has my private chats about this with those above you, who assured me it would be reviewed actually had something done?
I'd be surprised if anything has really changed in that dept. given the only person who ever actually reviewed anything the moderators were doing and provided me with a response about it was Rich.
I mean I know for a fact that you're not suppose to edit peoples posts anymore after DarkMouse (IanG) was abusing this power, although I guess without Rich around to stop it you feel you can keep doing it in the FPSC forum, eh?
Quote: "We don't 'have each others back'"
Sit down and count out how many moderators have responded to this thread, and are backing up each other.
It only takes one to provide a response, not half the moderation staff.
This thread isn't the only one showing their either. Often when a moderator is talked about, the others will step in to give their two cents about it when previously they were completely silent in a thread.
Quote: "We were asked/invited to become moderators because we were respected - you have that whole respect/moderator thing upside-down."
Some were chosen due to their respect in the community, some were chosen because TGC sell their products, some were voted for by the users.
I know which you are, because if I had accepted when I was asked; I'd be in the same group and we'd probably not be sitting here on opposite sides of the fence. Fact is though that not all of them were, some were promoted simply cause they took over a job tgc needed doing.
I personally feel sorry for Daniel as he had to fight tooth'n'nail to get moderator priviledges despite working directly for TGC; where-as others just had those powers handed to them on a plate because the community liked them.
Quote: "Seriously you have no freakin clue as to what myself or any other mod do, so stop surmising."
I'm an outsider looking in man. Sure I don't know what you guys actually do, but the end result actions are what the users see. I've very rarely seen users actually sit down and say "the mods are doing a great job on the tgc forums", in-fact often I hear the opposite now. It used to be very different mind.
There was a time when many were happy about the jobs the moderators were doing and how they were giving up their freetime to help out, but nowadays .. that just isn't the case.
For the most part I don't really have an issue with
what is going on, it's actually more with
how it is being done.
That is what this all boils down to.
Oh and for complaining about having to read my lengthy posts, really I don't see why you don't just ignore them.. but then again I'm on newbie slap right now because of a post that frankly while it might've been a bit out of line didn't actually break the AUP as what was said was all within a context that made sense, and the words I used passed the bad-word filter. So either your filter needs to be updated, or someone decided they'd had enough of me ranting about something.
Eitherway you can thank that moderators for the priviledge of
having to read all of my posts.
Certainly don't plan to write any small posts anytime over the next three weeks while I'm still being post moderated. You know as a thank you to this action that was imposed.
To me it would've made more sense to have locked the thread, but then again I'm not a moderator who is suppose to be trying to keep some sorta order; so I can say pretty much anything within the rules which I do. Just because you don't agree with what I say doesn't matter does it or it shouldn't if the moderation was perfectly above board and being done strictly to the AUP.
In-fact if you ever really bother to read the AUP, it is quite clear cut on aspects of what justifies a ban and post-moderation.
The rest is down to personal optinion of the staff, which a while ago I had a chat with Rich about and realistically unless someone breaks one of the ban-worthy rules action shouldn't really be taken.
Post-Editing, Post-Moderation, Locking and Banning were to be considered last resorts. Oh and yes I know I'll get another reply about not assuming what you guys do behind the scenes, which I know I don't know exactly how the moderation works in practise; however I do know clearly what Rich outlined for what the moderators are expected to do and act.
It's why you were give so much freedom as such, because he wanted to make sure this place didn't decent in to some police-state. Most of the powers you guys have are due to a very small part of the forums history, and were never intended for regular use.
Quite funny really, how things are twisted to fit a situation as moderators deem suitable. Spam now, certainly isn't any sort of pandemic. We've not seen any unsuitable adult material showing up, the religious and politics were only taken away due to always ended up in flame threads but these are now often dealt with fairly quickly.
While it's nice you feel the forum needs a clean up, there are much better ways to go about it than just locking things you don't agree with. Hell, Rich had one; and you guys probably also do which allowed post-merging. How about for duplicate thread you used that.
I know you have a post move ability, which is used almost never but would seriously solve most issues with posts like the one mentioned. Especially as no matter where you are in the forum you have to have a unique name and subject matter for a thread or post.