Rather professional. I agree with Digital Awakening: don't reuse images you're already using. about_01 could very well be replaced with index_01 - and that one's already loaded.
I also agree about not letting the music play immediately. It really pisses me off in most cases, although I must admit that I liked the song that booted right away. Experience tells it's a bad thing, though. Better to have an ENORMOUS play button.
Also, you might consider using divs for the text on the images. While it all looks nice and crispy, this is extremely hard to update. I've just been learning .php, (in seven damn days, haven't seen any sleep) and I'm in nĂ³ way switching back - I used to do like you at first too, but it's just unpractical. CSS has z-layering, which might be of some help.
Overal, the looks are a 7. The image starts out larger than my screen, so that I have to scroll to see some things that would've easily fitted on the page. There's not enough contrast to clearly distinguish the menu from the content neither. Although the text styles makes a good division between the two - you might want to consider some more contrast.
Originality I give a 3 (you $%!# logo ripper - I think I know where you got that idea! - naah, kidding, I don't give away originality grades.
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